Memory: Glossary Flashcards
Define cognitive psychology
The study of mental processes.
For example: Attention, language use, memory, perception, creativity, problem solving and thinking.
Define human memory
The process by which we retain information about events that happened in the past.
Define short term memory (STM)
Information that we process and store straight away is usually stored in the STM. It stores information we are currently aware of.
Define rehearsal
Attending to information so that it stays in your memory.
For example: Verbally repeating it.
Define long term memory (LTM)
A continual storage of information that is largely outside of our awareness, but can be recalled when necessary.
Define retrieval
The process of locating and extracting stored memories.
Define capacity
The amount of information held in a memory store.
Define duration
The length of time information can be held in memory.
Define serial position effect
The tendency for someone to recall the first and last items in a series best and the middle worst.
Define primacy effect
From the serial position effect, it is the first words, which are best rehearsed, and are transferred to long term memory.
Define recency effect
Another theory from the serial position effect, where it occurs because the last words in a sequence are fresh in the short term memory for the start of recall.
Define eyewitness testemony
An account given by people of an event they have witnessed.
Define leading questions
A question phrased in such a way that as to prompt a particular kind of answer.
Examples: Did you see a gun? → Did you see that gun
Define retrieval failure
A form of forgetting. It occurs when we don’t have the necessary cues to access memory. The memory is available but not accessible unless a suitable cue is provided.
Define cue
A ‘trigger’ of information that allows us to access a memory. Such cues may be meaningful or may be indirectly linked by being encoded at the time of learning.
Example: Cues may be external (environmental context) or internal (mood or degree of drunkness).
Define encoding specificity principle
The greater the similarity between the encoding event and the retrieval event, the greater the likelihood of healing original memories.
Define coding
The format in which information is stored in the various memory stores.
Define multi store model (MSM)
A representation of how memory works in terms of three stores called sensory register, STM and LTM.
It also describes how information is transferred from one store to another, how it is remembered and how it is forgotten.
Define sensory register
The memory stores for each of our five senses, such as vision (iconic store) and hearing (echoic store).
Coding in the iconic sensory register is visual and in the echoic sensory register it is acoustic.
The capacity of sensory register is huge (millions of receptors) and information lasts for a very short time (less than half a second).
Define episodic memory
A LTM store for personal events.
It includes memories of when the events occured and of the people, objects, places and behaviours involved.
Memories from this store have to be retrieved consciously and with effort.
Define semantic memory
A LTM store for our knowledge of the world.
This includes facts and our knowledge of what words and concepts mean.
This includes our memories of learned skills.
We usually recall these memories without making a conscious or deliberate effort.