Research methods A1 Flashcards
Define experimental design
Involves the manipulation of the IV to measure the effect on the DV
-experiments can be lab, field, natural or quasi
Define aim
A general statement. stating what the researcher intends to investigate/ purpose of the study
define hypothesis
A statement, that states the relationship between 2 variables
What are the 2 types of hypothesis?
define directional hypothesis
States the direction of the relationship/difference
e.g. more than/less than
define non-directional hypothesis
does not state the direction of the relationship/difference
What is an IV?
Independent variable, something the researcher changes
What is a DV?
Dependent variable, something you measure
What is a CV?
Control variable, something you keep the same
Define operationalisation
Clearly defining variables in terms of how they can be measured
Define extraneous variables (EV)
Any variable other than the IV, that may affect the DV
Nuisance variables
Define confounding variables (CV)
Kind of EV, but CV varies systematically with IV
Define demand characteristics
Participant’s find out aim of study or part of the purpose and subsequently changing their behavior to match the aim of the study/ what they think researcher will want
Define randomisation
The use of chance methods to control for effects of bias when designing materials and deciding the order of experimental conditions
Define standardisation
Using exactly the same format of procedures and instructions for all participants in a research study
What are the 3 experimental designs?
Independent groups design
Matched pairs design
Repeated measures
What is an independent groups design?
When 2 separate groups of participants experience 2 different conditions of the experiment
What is a repeated measures design?
All participants take part in all conditions of the experiment
What is a matched pairs design?
Participants are paired together on a variable/variables, relevant to the experiment
e.g. IQ
Define random allocation in terms of IG design
-Attempt to control for participant variables
-ensures each participant has the same chance of being in one condition as any other
Define counterbalancing in terms of RM design
-Attempt to control for the effects of order
-Half the participants experience the conditions in one order, and the other half in the opposite order
Name 4 types of experiment
What is a laboratory experiment?
Conducted in a highly controlled environment
What are the strengths of a lab experiment?
-High control over confounding variables (CVs) and extraneous variables (EVs)
-Any effect on DV = likely due to manipulation of IV
-High internal validity
-Replication is more possible (important, helps check if results are valid)
What are the limitations of a lab experiment?
-May lack generalisability
-Low external validity
-Demand characteristics
-Low mundane realism