Research Methods A Flashcards
What various techniques are used in psychology?
Self report
The research process
- Review previous research/theories
- Decide on an aim and formulate a hypothesis
- Design a study
- Conduct research
- Analyse and report findings
- Add to/revise theories
What’s an experiment
A way of conducting research where one variable is made to change (independent variable). The effects of the iv on another variable are observed or measured (dependent variable).
Experiments may be laboratory, field, quasi or natural
What’s an aim
A general statement of what the researcher intends to investigate
To see if a loud noise affects participants’ concentration
What’s a hypothesis
A statement of what you believe to be true
Loud noises effect concentration levels more than quiet noises
Directional hypothesis
Predicts the direction of the difference between the two conditions or groups of people. Used when previous research suggests a particular outcome
Non directional hypothesis
Simply predicts a difference between two conditions or groups of people
Used when there is no previous research or existing research is contradictory
Null hypothesis
A statement predicting there will be no difference
Extraneous variables
Any variables other than IV that may have an effect on the DV
Unwanted variables
Types of extraneous variables
Participant variables
Situational variables
Participant variables
To do with differences between participants
E.g. age, gender, intelligence
Situational variables
Features of the experimental situation
E.g. background noise/ light/ difficulty of words
Confounding variables
Any variable besides the IV that may have effected the DV
So we can’t be sure of the true source of changes to the DV
Vary systematically with the IV
E.g. if all people in the music condition: complete the experiment in the evening as opposed to the morning
Demand characteristics
Any cue from the researcher or from the research situation that may be interpreted by participants as revealing the purpose of the investigation
May lead to a participant changing their behaviour within the research situation
Investigator effects
Any effect of the investigator’s behaviour (conscious or unconscious) on the research outcome (DV)
May include everything from the design of the study to the selection of and with participants during the research process
Reducing confounding variables
The use of chance in order to control for the effects of bias when designing materials and deciding the order of conditions
Using exactly the same formalised procedures and instructions for all participants in a research study
Refers to whether the observed effect is a genuine one
Internal validity
External validity
Internal validity
Degree to which the researcher is measuring what was intended
External validity
Degree to which a research finding can be generalised to other settings, groups of people or over time
Types of experimental design
Repeated measures
Independent groups
Matched pairs
Independent groups design - experimental design
When two separate groups of p’s experience two different conditions of the experiment
If there’re w levels of the IV, all p’s will experience 1 level of the IV
Repeated measures design- experimental design
All participants experience both conditions of the experiment (IV)
Matched pairs design- experimental design
Participants are paired together on a variable or variables relevant to the experiment
Then one p from each pair would be allocated to a different condition of the experiment
Independent groups design issues
The p’s who occupy the different groups aren’t the same
The different found between the groups on the DV may be more to do with individual differences (participant variables) than the effects of the IV
Less economical than repeated measures as each participant contributes a single result only
Independent groups design strengths
Order effects are not a problem
Participants also less likely to guess the aims
What do researchers use in order to deal with the problem of the participants who occupy the different groups bing not the same
Random allocation
Participants are randomly allocated to the different experimental conditions. This attempts to evenly distribute participant characteristics across the conditions of the experiment using random techniques
Repeated measures design issues
Each participant has to do at least two tasks and the order of these tasks may be significant (ie there are order affects)
It’s more likely participants will work out for over the study when the experience or conditions of the experiment. For this reason, demand characteristics tend to be more of a feature of repeated measures design understand independent groups
Repeated Measures design strengths
Participant variables are controlled and fewer participants are needed
What do researcher use to deal with the issue of order affects
An attempt to control order effects in the repeated measures design. Half the participants take part in conditions A then B, and the other half take part in conditions B then A
Matched pairs designs issues
Participants can never be matched exactly
Matching may be time-consuming and expensive, particularly if a pre-test is required, so this is less economical than other designs
Matched pair designs strengths
P’s only take part in a single condition so order effects and demand characteristics are less of a problem
Experimental design meaning
The different ways in which the testing of p’s can be organised in relation to the experimental conditions