Research Methods Flashcards
Key words
what the researcher intends to find out in research
post research interview
inform participants of the true nature of the study
a way of dealing with ethical issues
ethical issues
concern questions of right and wrong
a research method
causal conclusions can be drawn due to manipulation of an independant variable
extraneous variables
don’t vary with the IV but are other factors that can have an effect of the DV
make study more difficult
a precise and testable statement
operationalised variables
independant variable
a factor that is directly manipulated by an experimenter in order to test it’s affects on the DV
dependant variable
the variable that changes according to the IV
informed consent
participants given information about the nature and purpose of experiment
eg. what the will experience
making variables into a form that can be easily tested
standardised procedures
a set of procedures that are the same for all participants in order to be able to repeat the study
including the same instructions
confounding variable
a variable that is not the IV but may also affect the DV
makes the outcome of the experiment meaningless
control variables
variables that are kept constant and are regulated by the researcher
avoids the influencing DV
internal validity
the degree to which an observed effect was due to the experimental manipulation rather than other factors (confounding variables)
shows a high validity in the lab
mundane realism
refers to how well a study mirrors the real world
high ecological validity - the variables in the experiment are realistic and will occur in the real world