Research Methods Flashcards
A controlled research study in which a researcher tests whether one variable(s) influences or causes a change to another variable(s)
Research methods
A particular way of conducting a research study or investigation to collect data
Something that can vary in amount or kind
Independent variable
The variable in an experiment which the researcher manipulates in order to assess its effects on participants’ responses
Dependent variable
The variable in an experiment the researcher choose to measure in order to assess the effect(s) of the independent variable(s)
Extraneous variable
Any variable, apart from the independent variable that can cause a change in the dependent variable and therefore affect the results of an experiment in an unwanted way
Experimental group
The group in and experiment who is exposed to the independent variable
Control group
The group in an experiment who is not exposed to the independent variable; used for comparison with the experimental group
The process of choosing participants for a study
The entire group of research interest from which a sample is drawn
A smaller group of research participants selected from a larger group (population) of research interest
Representative sample
A sample that is approximately the same as the population from which it was drawn in every important participant characteristic
Random sample
A group of participants selected for research in a way that ensures every member of the population of research interest has an equal chance of being selected in the sample
Stratified sampling
A sampling procedure which involves dividing the population to be sampled into difference subgroups (strata), then selecting a separate sample from each subgroup in the same proportions as they occur in the population of interest
Random allocation
The process of assigning participants in an experiment to the control or experimental group, with each participant having an equal chance of being in either group
A testable prediction of the relationship between two or more events of characteristics
Descriptive research
A research method that focuses on studying and describing one or more aspects of thoughts, feelings or behaviour as they occur at a given time and place without necessarily explaining causation
Case study
An intensive, in-depth investigation of some behaviour of event of interest in a particular individual or small group
Observational study
A research method that involves watching and describing behaviour as it occurs