Research Methods Flashcards
Chi squared
• Nominal data.
• When you are looking for a difference.
• When you have independent measures.
Mann whitney U
• Data that is at least ordinal.
• Looking for a difference.
• Independent measures.
• When we have at least ordinal data.
• Looking for a difference between groups.
• A repeated measures design.
• Data is at least ordinal.
• When you are looking for a relationship.
• Data provides a correlation coefficient.
What act for animal ethics
Animal Scientific Procedures Act 1986
How is Quant data gathered
Via experiments, questionnaires, obervations
- Long period of time
- study development or change
- can be observations, questionnaires, etc
Cross sectional
Short period
Independent measures or matched pairs
Can look at development
Can manipulate variables
What issues does cross sectional have that longitudinal doesnt
Cohort effects & ppt variables
Why is cross sectional better
Easier to repeat
P<0.05 meaning
Probability that results due to chance = less than 5% etc
Type 1/2 errors
1 False pos
2 false negatives
Grounded theory
- systematic generation of theory from qual data
- inductive method
- key points in transcript marked w codes extracted from text
- codes are grouped into similar concepts
- categories are formed to basis a theory
Content analysis
- Familiarise
- Identify themes
- Count how many
(Summative = count nums of specific words then look at where they occur eg who said them)
Types of sampling in observations
Event (tally)
Continuous (everything)
Time (after set intervals)
Pet scans
- Brain activity
- Radioactive glucose tracer
- Brain uses glucose as energy source so gives off gamma radiation
- Blue/green or red/orange
fMRI scans
- Look at activity & structure
- Passed through magnetic field & radio waves
- Effects blood depending on how oxygenated it is
- We can see where is using oxygen
- Can see how water molecules line up to see brain structure
CAT scans
- Structure
- X-ray at different angles / slices
- Compiles together for 3d image
Thematic analysis
- Analyse qual data
- Inductive: themes come from data
- Deductive: You have themes you’re looking for
- Familiarise
- Generate code
- Search for themes in codes
- Review themes (is it a pattern?)
- Define & name themes
- Final report
Meta analysis
Journal articles (2ndary data)
Collect results
Analyse looking for trends/patterns/outliers
DOT for social
- Agency -> social impact
- RCT -> Social Identity
- Milgram -> milgrams variations
- Sherif may develop on RCT as we see issues before conflict began
DOT for Cognitive
- MSM -> WMM (stm developed)
- WMM -> 2000 addition of episodic buffer
- HM -> Schmolck shows where semantic knowledge is in the hippocampus eg ALTC
DOT Biological
- Psychodynamic -> biological explanations eg hormones
- Phineas gage -> Brain explanation
DOT Learning
- Pavlov -> CC -> W&R
- W&R -> Phobia treatments
- CC -> OC (can explain vicarious reinforcement etc)
- OC -> Token economies
- Bandura -> SLT
DOT Clinical
- Drugs developed from tricyclic acids to SSRIs
- Cognitive explanation -> CBT
- Biological -> Drugs
- CBT -> ICBT -> Williams
- Dopamine for sz now includes other nts
Nature v nurture key terms
- Nature
- Nurture
Gender issues key words
- Androcentric
- Gynocentric
- Alpha bias (exag gender diffs)
- Beta bias (minimise gender diffs)
Science key terms
- Reliability
- Validity
- Empiricism
- Falsifiability
- Reductionism
- Cause / effect
- Controls
Reductionism key terms
- Reductionism
- Holism
- PARSIMONY (We SHOULD reduce things to their simplest form)