Research Methods Flashcards
What are research methods?
Techniques used to collect data
What is covert observation?
The subject doesn’t know that you are observing
What is an aim?
A statement of what the researchers intend to find out
Researchers should state their aim beforehand so its clear what the study intends to investigate
What is an experiment?
An experiment involves the manipulation of an independent variable to see the changes in the dependent variable
What is a variable?
A thing that can vary or change
IV- manipulate
DV- measure
What is a control condition?
A baseline level of behaviour without manipulation of IV
What is an experimental condition?
Manipulation of IV
What is a directional hypothesis?
Predicting the direction of results (one-tailed)
Difference between two conditions
- more likely to….than…
What is a correlation?
Stating a relationship between two ‘things’
What is a non-directional hypothesis?
Does not predict direction (two-tailed)
No previous research to help predict
Can predict significant difference
What is a non- directional correlation?
There will be a relationship but unknown whether positive or negative
What is a null hypothesis?
Will not be found
Not going to be a difference or relationship
What is experimental design?
the different ways in which the testing of participants can be organised in relation to the
experimental conditions
What is independent group design?
participants are allocated to different groups where each group represents one
experimental condition
What is repeated measures design?
All participants take part in all conditions of the experiment
What is matched pairs design?
Pairs of participants are first matched on some variable(s) that may affect the DV. Then
one member of the pair is assigned to Condition A and the other to Condition B
What is random allocation?
An attempt to control for participant variables in an independent groups design which ensure that each participant has the same chance of being in one condition as any other
What is order effects?
A confounding variable that occurs in repeated measures designs, arising from the order
in which conditions are presented e.g. practice effect or boredom effect
What is counterbalancing?
An attempt to control for the effects of order effects in a repeated measures design: half
of the participants experience the conditions in one order (A then B) and the other half in
the opposite order (B then A).
What are the 3 experimental designs?
- Independent groups design
- Repeated groups design
- Matched pairs design
What are extraneous variables?
Variable other than IV and may effect DV if not controlled
Does not vary systematically with IV- effect is random
What are confounding variables?
Varies systematically with IV- cannot be sure of true source of change to the DV
Systematic- in fixed system
What are demand characteristics?
Participants can deliberately change behaviour within research situations
Cue from researchers or from the research situation may be interpreted by particpants
What are investigator effects?
Effect of investigators behaviour on DV
May include from the design of the study, to the selection and interactions with participants during research
What is randomisation?
Use of chance to control the effects of bias- reduce extraneous variables
Randomly allocated to different conditions
What is standardisation?
Exactly the same formalised procedure and instructions for all participants
Reduces randomisation
What is a single blind procedure?
Do not know condition of experiment
Reduces demand characteristics
What is a double blind trial?
Investigator and participant do not know
Reduces demand characteristics and investigator effects
What is a laboratory experiment?
. An experiment that takes place in a controlled environment
. The researcher manipulates IV and records effects of DV
. Maintain strict control of extraneous variables
What is a field experiment?
. An experiment that takes place in a natural setting within which the researcher manipulates IV and records effects on DV
What is a natural experiment?
. An experiment where the change in the IV is not brought about by the researcher but would have happened even if the researcher had not been there
Records effects on DV
What is a quasi experiment?
. A study that is almost an experiment, but the IV has not been determined by anyone
. The variables simply exist
. E.g old or young