behaviourism Flashcards
What is the behaviourist approach belief?
The behaviourist approach belief is that everything is a product of the environment.
What are the three assumptions in the behaviourist approach?
- We learn through conditioning.
- We are born as a blank slate.
- Animals and humans learn in the same way.
What is negative reinforcement?
Something unpleasant happens repeatedly until the person gets what the want from other person. For example mum nags her child to do the dishes.
What is positive reinforcement?
It is getting a reward for doing something correctly. For example a dog getting a treat for sitting.
What is negative punishment?
Removing something pleasant until, you getting something that you want. For example removing a child’s toy until they start behaving correctly.
What is positive punishment?
Getting something extra to stop the stimuli. For example a student getting detention for not doing their homework.
Skinner - Positive and Negative Reinforcement (rats)
He put a hungry rat inside a box, and each time the rat accidentally hit the lever inside the box it would get food. So the rat learnt that each time it hit the leaver, it would get food. Then he also put the rats in another box and if they didn’t do what Skinner wanted, they would get electric shocked.
What is punishment?
A change in old behaviour.
Skinner - positive reinforcement (pigeons)
Skinner had also tested on hungry pigeons and when they did what he wanted they would get treated with food.
Define what is ‘Classical conditioning’.
Classical conditioning is learned by association. For example one thing can be associated with another to stop a certain behaviour.
Define what is ‘Operant Conditioning’.
Learning through reinforcement and punishment to change old behaviour into new behaviour.
Describe the first stage of classical conditioning. Give an example.
- Before: Unconditioned Stimulus (object that causes initial reflex response, e.g. food) -> Unconditioned Response (reflex response, e.g. salvia)
Describe the second stage of classical conditioning.
During: Unconditioned Stimulus + Neutral Stimulus (Object that caused the response) -> Unconditioned Response
This stage is done several times.
Describe the last stage of classical conditioning.
- After: Conditioned Stimulus (NS causes reflex response without US) -> Conditioned Response
Describe how Skinner’s pigeons prove that Animals and Humans learn in the same way.
Skinner treated his pigeons to food when they did something good, making the pigeons want to do the good behaviour again. For example children in schools can be rewarded for goof behaviour or well presented homework, which makes want to repeat the same behaviour to be rewarded again.