Research Methods Flashcards
What are two strengths of independent groups design?
- No order effects (tested once), no EV/CV, no practice/fatigue
- Won’t guess aim so behaviour is natural
What are two limitations of independent groups design?
- Participant variables- different participants each group, EV/CV
- Less economical- need twice participants as repeated measures
What are two strengths of repeated measures design?
- No participant variables (same people), controls EV/CV
- Fewer participants- compared to independent groups
What are two limitations of repeated measures design?
- Order effects- similar task twice, EV/CV, practice/fatigue effect
- Guess aims- more likely when in both conditions, change behaviour
What are two strengths of matched pairs design?
- Fewer participant variables- reduced through matching
- No order effects (tested once), no EV/CV, no practice/fatigue
What are two limitations of matched pairs design?
- Imperfect matching- takes time, not all relevant variables
- Less economical- need twice as many as repeated measures
What are two strengths of lab experiments?
- EVs/CVs controlled- demonstrates causation
- Easily replicated- so can confirm findings
What are two limitations of lab experiments?
- Low generalisability- artificial, so low external validity
- Demand characteristics- participants aware of being studied
What are two strengths of field experiments?
- More authentic- own environment, generalisable
- Participants unaware of being studied- more usual behaviour
What are two limitations of field experiments?
- CVs/EVs harder to control- cause/effect not shown
- Ethical issues- informed consent difficult, invasion of privacy
What are two strengths of natural experiments?
- Ethical option- in cases where can’t manipulate IV
- External validity- real-world issues, more relevant
What are two limitations of natural experiments?
- Rare natural event- ‘one off’, reduces ability to generalise
- No random allocation- as IV is pre-existing, CVs uncontrolled
What are two strengths of quasi-experiments?
- High control- often lab so replication possible
- Comparisons between pre-existing types of people
What are two limitations of quasi-experiments?
- No random allocation- pre-existing IV, CVs
- No causation- no control over IV, unknown what causes changes in DV
What is one strength of random sampling?
Potentially unbiased
What is one limitation of random sampling?
Representativeness not guaranteed
What are two strengths of systematic sampling?
- Unbiased
- Objective
What is one limitation of systematic sampling?
More time/effort
What are two strengths of stratified sampling?
- Representative
- Generalisable
What is one limitation of stratified sampling?
Imperfect stratification
What are three strengths of opportunity sampling?
- Quick
- Cheaper
- Most common
What is one limitation of opportunity sampling?
Inevitably biased
What is one strength of volunteer sampling?
Willing participants so more engaged
What is one limitation of volunteer sampling?
Volunteer bias
What is one strength of observations?
Capture what people do
What is one limitation of observations?
Observer bias
What is one strength of naturalistic observations?
High external validity
What is one limitation of naturalistic observations?
Low control
What is one strength of controlled observations?
Replication possible
What is one limitation of controlled observations?
Low external validity
What is one strength of covert observations?
Fewer demand characteristics
What is one limitation of covert observations?
Ethically questionable
What is one strength of overt observations?
More ethically acceptable
What is one limitation of overt observations?
Some demand characteristics
What is one strength of participant observations?
Greater insight so enhances external validity
What is one limitation of participant observations?
Possible loss of objectivity
What is one strength of non-participant observations?
More objective so higher internal validity
What is one limitation of non-participant observations?
Loss of insight- too distant
What are two limitations of behavioural categories?
- Difficult to be unambiguous
- Dustbin categories
What is one strength of event sampling?
Records infrequent behaviour
What is one limitation of event sampling?
Complex behaviour oversimplified
What is one strength of time sampling?
Reduces observations
What is one limitation of time sampling?
Miss things outside of time frame
What are two strengths of correlations?
- Useful starting point, future experiments
- Relatively economical, eg. use secondary data
What are two limitations of correlations?
- No cause and effect shown
- Intervening variables missed, wrong conclusions
What are two strengths of questionnaires?
- Lots of data because given to lots of people
- Fixed-choice questions so easy to analyse
What are two limitations of questionnaires?
- Social desirability
- Response bias
What is one strength of structured interviews?
Easy to replicate
What is one limitation of structured interviews?
Interviewers cannot elaborate
What is one strength of unstructured interviews?
Points followed up so increases insight
What is one limitation of unstructured interviews?
More chance of interviewer bias
What is one strength of closed questions?
Easier to analyse and draw conclusions
What is one limitation of closed questions?
Responses are restricted
What is one strength of open questions?
Detailed, unexpected responses
What is one limitation of open questions?
More difficult to analyse
What is one strength of qualitative data?
Richness of detail
What is one limitation of qualitative data?
Difficult to analyse
What is one strength of quantitative data?
Comparisons possible, eg. using graphs
What is one limitation of quantitative data?
Expresses less meaning
What is one strength of primary data?
Tailored to the study itself
What is one limitation of primary data?
Requires time and therefore expense
What is one strength of secondary data?
Inexpensive, data already exists
What is one limitation of secondary data?
Quality may be poor or mismatch aims
What is one strength of a meta-analysis?
Conclusions have greater validity
What is one limitation of a meta-analysis?
Publication bias, not all relevant studies included, lowers validity
What is one strength of the mean?
Sensitive measure that includes all scores
What is one limitation of the mean?
Easily distorted by extreme values
What is the strength of the median?
Less affected by extremes
What is the limitation of the median?
Extreme values may be important
What is one strength of the mode?
Relevant to categorical data
What is one limitation of the mode?
Overly simple, crude measure
What is one strength of the range?
Easy to calculate
What is one limitation of the range
No account of distribution
What is one strength of standard deviation?
More precise than range
What is one limitation of standard deviation?
Can be distorted by extreme values
What is one strength of peer review?
Aims to protect the quality of research
What are three limitations of peer review?
- Anonymous, may criticise rival research
- Publication bias
- Groundbreaking research buried
What are two strengths of case studies?
- Can provide new insights
- Allows study of both unusual and typical behaviour
What are two limitations of case studies?
- Subjective selection of data and biased accounts
- Small, unique sample, low generalisability
What are two strengths of content analysis?
- Ethical issues avoided- eg. consent not always needed
- Flexible method- adapt to aims of research (quantitative and qualitative)
What are two limitations of content analysis?
- Communication studied out of context- reduces validity
- May lack objectivity- choice of categories may depend on researcher’s personal views