Research Methods Flashcards
What are the main research designs?
- Quantitative
- Qualitative
- Mixed methods
What is quantitative research methods?
Uses numbers to collect data from a random sample group and then generalize those results to the pop. to explain a phenomenon
-Used to test a hypothesis and answer a clear, pre-
defined question
What are the strengths of quantitative research?
- large sample sizes and random samples allow conclusions to be generalizable to a larger population
- Can give us a clear picture of the scope or magnitude of a problem
- “Straightforward” methods of statistical analysis to test a hypothesis
- Potential to distinguish between correlation and causation
How many quantitative research designs are there?
What are the quantitative research designs?
- randomized control designs
- observational studies
- systematic reviews and meta analyses
Longitudinal data?
Same individuals as in CSD and you follow at more than 1 time point
- Can be used for descriptive statistics and is a stronger design for analysis of causal relationships (cause and effect)
- lack of randomization
- Ex: Relationship between breastfeeding and later life cardiovascular disease
- Can last for a long time, up to 20 years
Cross-sectional data?
- Data collected on a group of people at one point in time.
- Most appropriate for producing descriptive analysis and correlational relationships because it’s difficult to know directionality.
- Ex: Relationship between poverty and depression
Why not use randomized trials all the time?
Randomized trials allow us gain insight into causal (cause and effect) relationships
What is a literature review?
where you can go on Google review, etc. and look up documents pertaining to a topic
Systematic Review?
things have to have a specific methodology , include an assessment of bias in the study. Often take 9-24 months
What do meta analyses do?
Goes an extra step and uses statistical methods to summarize the results of studies
What are qualitative research methods?
a collection of methods used to gain an in-depth understanding of human behavior and social processes
-how and why of behavior, not just what, where, and
-Useful to gain insight into people’s attitudes, behaviors, value systems, concerns, motivations, aspirations, culture or lifestyles
What are qualitative research methods?
- Ethnographic
- Interviews
- Focus groups
- Document review
What is an ethnographic method?
Researcher spends time in an environment observing behavior, action and interaction so that they can understand the meanings constructed in an environment and make sense of every day experiences
What are interviews?
open-ended conversations 1-1 with participants
What are focus groups?
Typically between 4-12 respondents in a group who respond to a set of open-ended questions
-Goal is to ensure differences in opinion and perspective are voiced and respondents react to each other in a dynamic conversation
What is document review?
Review of existing documents (public records, organizational documents, etc) to understand history and context of particular area
Which is better? Quan. or Qual.?
- Both have merits, and which one you use really depends on the research question you are asking
- Mixed methods