is the systematic search for facts through the use of careful observations and investigations
Clinical researchers face certain challenges that make their work very difficult:
Measuring unconscious motives
Assessing private thoughts
Monitoring mood changes
Calculating human potential
The case study:
- Can provide a detailed, interpretative description of a person’s life and psychological problems
- Can be a source of new ideas about behavior
- May offer tentative support for a theory
- May challenge a theory’s assumptions
- May inspire new therapeutic techniques
- May offer opportunities to study unusual problems
Limitations in the case study
- Reported by biased observers
- Relies on subjective evidence
- Has low internal validity
- Provides little basis for generalization
- Has low external validity
- These limitations are addressed by the two other methods of investigation
is the degree to which events or characteristics vary with each other
is a research procedure used to determine the “co-relationship” between variables
The correlational method
The people chosen for a study are its subjects or participants, collectively called a __
The sample must be representative of the larger population
Describing a Correlation
Correlational data can be graphed and a “line of best fit” can be drawn
Positive correlation (slope is upward and to the right) = variables change in the same direction
Negative correlation (downward slope) = variables change in the opposite direction
Unrelated (no slope) = no consistent relationship
the magnitude
The magnitude (strength) of a correlation is also important High magnitude = variables which vary closely together; fall close to the line of best fit Low magnitude = variables which do not vary as closely together; loosely scattered around the line of best fit
Advantages of the correlational method:
Has high external validity Can generalize findings Can repeat (replicate) studies on other samples
Difficulties with correlational studies:
Lack internal validity
Results describe but do not explain a relationship
Results say nothing about causation
There are two special forms of correlational study
-Epidemiological studies Reveal the incidence and prevalence of a disorder in a particular population
Incidence = number of new cases that emerge in a given period
Prevalence = total number of cases in a given period
-Longitudinal studies -Researchers observe the same individuals on many occasions over a long period
The Experimental Method
An experiment is a research procedure in which a variable is manipulated and the manipulation’s effect on another variable is observed
Manipulated variable = independent variable
Variable being observed = dependent variable
Researchers must try to eliminate all confounds – variables other than the independent variable that may also be affecting the dependent variable
Three features are included in experiments to guard against confounds:
A control group
Random assignment
Blind design