Research Designs Flashcards
“Research Design” is analogous to:
Physical Therapy POC
General Features of a Research Design (7)
- Research Paradigms
- Design format
- Number of Groups
- Type of Data (numeric vs non-numeric)
- Time elements
- Degree of Control
- Research Question
Types of Research Paradigms (2)
1) Quantitative Research Paradigm
2) Qualitative Research Paradigm
Quantitative Research Paradigm (def)
Assumes that an objective truth can be found by investigators who conduct their inquires in a value manner
Qualitative Research Paradigm (def)
Assumes that knowledge and understanding are contextual and related to each person studied; Emphasis is placed on description
Design Format for Quantitative Research can be: (3)
1) Experimental- investigators manipulate subjects and then watch their resulting behavior
2) Quasi-experimental- investigators manipulate subjects and watch their resulting behavior; lacks control group or randomization
3) Nonexperimental (aka observational studies)- investigators observe and collect information about the phenomenon of interest; no manipulation of subjects
Design Formats for Qualitative Research (3)
1) Phenomenologic Approach
2) Ethnographic Approach
3) Grounded Theory Approach
Phenomenologic Approach (def)
- Investigates the lived experience of subjects through interviews/discussion
- Focus is on understanding a phenomenon from the subjects’ point of view
Ethnographic Approach (def)
- Focuses on observation of cultural patterns and experiences to understand what the subjects lives are like
- Data is collected through observation
Grounded Theory Approach (def)
- Focuses on understanding subjects’ points of view from a theoretical perspective that is based on empirical data
- Data is collected through interview and/or observation in a natural context
Number of Groups in Quantitative Designs- 2 types:
- Within-subject design
- Between-subject design
Within-subject Design (def)
- Same group of people over multiple measures
- Called “dependent groups”
Between-subjects Design (def)
- Compares outcomes between 2+ independent (different) groups
- MIN of 2 groups
Number of Groups in Qualitative designs:
Depends on Logistical considerations (access and time)
Cross-Sectional Study (def)
Data is collected one time during a single point in time
Longitudinal Study (def)
Data is collected several times during repeated measures over an extended period of time
Retrospective Study (def)
A study with previously-collected data
Prospective Study (def)
A study forwhich you are presently collecting data
Degree of Control: Increased ___ = decreased ____
Control; bias
Design with Most control:
Design with least control:
Specific Research Designs (*)
- Diagnostic Tests
- Clinical Measures
- Prognostic Factors
- Interventions
- Clinical Prediction Rules
- Outcomes Research
- Self-report outcome measures
- Secondary analayses
Diagnostic tests are ___ and ____ in design
Non-experimental; cross-sectional
Control Unwanted Factors in Diagnostic Tests by: (5)
1) Id and apply criteria for identifying persons who are suspected of having the disorder of interest
2) Establish protocols for performance of the diagnostic test and comparison
3) Ensure that the researchers are adequately performing the tests
4) Have specific criteria for verifying the presence/absence of the disorder of interest
5) Blind/mask the researchers from the results on the diagnostic tests while they are performing the comparison test and vice versa
Clinical Measures aka “methodological research” (def)
Focuses on instruments/clinical measures used to measure impairments; generally are cross-sectional and may evaluate validity/reliability of an instrument that measures some sort of impairment
Prognostic Factors (def)
- Commonly used in epidemiologic research
- Assess relationship between a prognostic factor and an outcome
- Nonexperimental- just looking for associations between the IV’s and DV’s
3 Research Designs for Prognostic Factors:
1) Prospective Cohort (common characteristic)
2) Retrospective Cohort
3) Case-control
- Typically have a second group that doesn’t have the risk factors and compares them to the first group- predict risk for developing something
Cohort Designs (2)
1) Prospective Cohort
2) Retrospective Cohort
Prospective Cohort (def)
- Group of subjects is identified and then followed for a period of time to see if/when outcome of interest occurs
- Preferred method bc researchers have control over the methods
- Must have enough time for outcome of interest to occur
- Often have a second group (w/o factor) for comparison
Retrospective Cohort (def)
Already collected data is examined and a cohort is identified during the review process
Case-control Design (Def)
Retrospective approach in which the subjects who have the outcome of interest are compared to a control group who does NOT have the outcome of interest
Interventions Study (def)
Looking to see the benefits (or harms) of the study
Treatment efficacy (def)
- Examined by Intervention studies
- Assess the benefits of an intervention under ideal conditions
Treatment Effectiveness (def)
-Studies which assess the benefits of an intervention under usual CLINICAL conditions (co-pays, time constraints, etc)
Interventions Studies Designs: (2)
1) Experimental
2) Quasi-experimental
Experimental Study Design
A RCT- GOLD STANDARD for determining effects of an intervention!
Simplest form of Experimental Study Design:
Pretest-Posttest format: repeated posttest measures over time are used for longitudinal versions of this design
Methods to control in RCTs (7)
- 2 or more groups to compare, with one being the control/placebo group
- Random assignment to groups
- Mask/blind subjects from knowing group assignment
- Mask/blind investigators from knowing subject group assignment
- Well established and applied protocols for subject testing and subject treatment
- Stable environmental conditions throughout the study (minimizes bias)
- Completion of follow-up to assess outcomes of the study
Quasi-Experimental (def)
Comparison and/or randomization of groups is missing
Types of Quasi-Experimental Groups (3)
1) Time Series: single group of subjects has data collected on repeated measures before and after the experimental intervention is introduced
2) Nonequivalent control group design: similar to experimental pretest-posttest design except there is NO randomization (has control group although baseline characteristics b/w groups is likely not uniform)
3) Single-system design: uses only one subject who undergoes, in an alternating fashion, an experimental treatment period and a control or comparison period (NOT the same as a case study or case series design)
Clinical Prediction rules are ___ in design
Clinical Prediction Rules (def)
- Focus on diagnostic classification and potential treatment responses
- Same design advantages/disadvantages as studies about diagnostic tests and prognostic factors
Outcomes Research(def)
- More common in larger hospitals; commonly retrospective (related to impacts on clinical practice)
- Focuses on impact of clinical practice as it occurs in the real world and results which are meaningful to patients in lieu of pathology or impairment-based measures
- NO randomization and researchers don’t control the interventions applied to subjects
Outcomes research is ____/____ in design and commonly ___spective
non-experimental/observational; retro
Self-report outcomes are ___ in nature
Non-experimental; typically use surveys with questions/statements which sere as the direct measure of the phenomenon
Steps to create a self-report outcome measure: (4)
1) Create the most complete, yet efficient, set of items for the survey
2) Establish relationship among multiple items intended to measure one aspect of the phenomenon
3) Establish stability, interpretability, and meaningfulness of scores using a group of subjects for whom the survey was designed
4) Establish relationship between the survey and a previously established instrument
Secondary Analyses(def)
Not conducting a study, just writing up about other studies; needed bc one single study often does not provide definitive conclusions
Types of Secondary Analyses include: (3)
1) Literature Review (narrative review)
2) Systematic Review
3) Meta-Analyses
Literature Review (def)
- Researchers describe prior research on a particular topic witout using a systematic search and critical appraisal process
- Low on the evidence hierarchy
Systematic Review (def)
- Researchers describe prior research on a particular topic by using a systematic search and critical appraisal
- Top of most evidence hierarchies
What is the Cochrane Collaboration?
Where all systematic reviews go
Meta-Analyses (def)
- Researchers pool data from a collaboration of RCTs that are similar
- Use larger sample sizes to conduct statistical analysis- yields increased statistical power