research Flashcards
construct validity
degree to which an instrument measures the characteristic being investigated
mutual relation; a pattern of variation between two
phenomena in which change in one is associated with change in the other
experimental group
In research, a collection of subjects who are matched and compared with a control group in all relevant respects, except that they are also subject to a specific variable being tested
experimental study
Research conducted under carefully controlled conditions,
in which the subjects being investigated are randomly
selected and systematically compared with control groups, with treatment variables being introduced to the experimental group but not the control group, and the use of statistical analysis to determine if
significant differences occur between the groups observed
exploratory study
A type of study design used to explore or gain insights into a phenomenon
external validity
extent to which study findings can be generalized beyond the sample used in the study
inter-rater reliability
The degree to which different people give similar scores
for the same observations; refers to the consistency of a measure
internal validity
extent to which the effects detected in a study are truly caused by the treatment or exposure in the study sample, rather than
being due to other biasing effects of extraneous variables
literature review
The process of searching published work to find out what is known about a research topic
longitudinal study
Repeated testing of the same phenomenon or group of subjects over an extended period
null hypothesis
A statement that no relationship exists between study
pilot study
A procedure for testing and validating a questionnaire or
other instrument by administering it to a small group of respondents from
the intended test population; The procedure helps determine whether the
test items possess the desired qualities of measurement and the
ability to discriminate other problems before the instrument is put to
widespread use.
quasi experimental
Systematic research inquiries made without complete controls
random assignment
The use of chance procedures in psychology experiments
to ensure that each participant has the same opportunity to be
assigned to any given group
single-subject design
A research procedure often used in clinical situations to
evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention; The behavior of an individual
client is used as a comparison and a control.