Mental health Flashcards
Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory
Psych test that assesses and diagnosis mental health conditions, can be used in job settings (police, etc.)
*does not screen for SUD
Dsm-5 global functioning
scoring system that mental health professionals use to assess how well an individual is functioning in their daily lives.
what is an inferiority complex vs healthy reaction?
when a person is unable to compensate for normal feelings of inferiority vs efforts to overcome real or imaged inferiority by developing one’s own abilities
bipolar 1
-manic - elevated mood for 1 week
-need to sleep
bipolar 2
-hypomanic (not manic)
-1 episode of major depression
-symptoms present for 2 years
-manic w low level of depression
-doesn’t meet criteria for MDD or manic
-starts early adulthood
-solitary - loaners
-emotionally cold
-doesn’t have close relationships
-“I’ve always been able to tell when bad things are about to happen”
-low capacity for close relationships
-odd eccentric appearance, magical thinking
-no psychotic episode
-precursor to schiziphrenia
-disregard for violation and rights of others
-lack of emotion or remorse
-physical fights
-have to be at least 18 to be diagnosed (symptoms by 15 years old)
-poor self image
-afraid people won’t like them
-avoids social activities because of fear
-stress related paranoia
-self damaging impulsivity
-frantic efforts to avoid abandonment
-unstable and intense relationships
-recurrent suicidal behavior
-feels empty
-“I just met him, but he’s soulmate”
-excessive emotional and attention seeking
-sexual seductiveness
-considers relationships more intimate than they are
-lack of empathy
-excessive admiration
-preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited power, brilliance, beauty, ideal love
OCD personality
-can’t delegate
-money to be hoarded for future catastrophe
-won’t discard worn out or worthless objects
co-occuring diagnosis
refers to the presence of a mental health & substance use disorder
mental status exam
SW explains that different pathways = same outcome
maintains mood balance is related to depression
a culture incorporates beliefs of another culture as it’s own
person in - environment
social, mental, physical health, environmental
entropy (dysthymia formally)
-Measurement of disorder
-amount of uncertainty and disorder that exists within systems
-to treatment people w/ really big mood swings like borderline personality
-distress tolerance
-interpersonal effectiveness
-emotional regulation
feminist therapy
-good for eating disorders
-therapist shows client disempowering social forces to empower them
-change happens & find meaning in life
-meaning & purpose
behavioral therapy
-change happens through reinforcement & punishment
-used for kids
-things are contingent on behavior
(positive & negative reinforcement/punishment)
gestalt therapy
-process what happening in the moment
-increase awareness, freedom, and self direction
-“invisible chair”
cognitive therapy
-explore clients thinking patterns
-works best in client with mental health dx
-work w/ client to change distorted sense of self
psychodynamic therapy & who created it
-insight oriented therapy
-why we behave the way we do
-unconscious, unresolved issues
solution focused therapy
-clients strengths & resources
-beliefs, goal-oriented
-focuses on what client wants to achieve
task centered/problem-solving therapy
-problems & goals are clearly stated at beginning by client
-change is made by client using actions outside interview
conscious, emotional reactions to a client experienced by a therapist
emotional reactions assigned to current relationships but originated in earlier experiences (client -> therapist)
members place blame on an innocent individual
ego dystonic
Intrusive and inconsistent with ones self and values
-common in OCD
ego strength
individual capacity for logical thinking and self-control over impulses
ego syntonic
Congruent with one’s beliefs and values
-must be present before 12 years old, show up 1-5 years old
-repetition of words (echolalia)
-social skills
-expressive language
crisis intervention
-lasts 2 days - 6 weeks
-brief tx 1-6 sessions (psychotherapy, assessment, coping skills, problem solving, increase support)
-restore pt back to pre-crisis functioning
-“what was the last string”
general flow of therapy (3)
-beginning (rapport, gather hx, set goals/tx plan
-middle (engage in interventions, change)
-termination (maintenance)
feel outside their body
detached from world - still have their memory & are aware of what is going on around them
completely detached w/ no memory
oppositional defiant disorder
-problems with authority
-don’t want to be bossed around
conduct disorder
-lack of remorse
-violating rights of others
-precurosor to antisocial
disruptive mood disregulation
-dx 6-17 years old
-bipolar in children
-constant negative mood
generalized anxiety disorder
-symptoms present for at least 6 months
-problems with biological functioning (eating/sleeping)
unspecified anxiety disorder
symptoms present for at less than 6 months
what is a double bind
dilemma in communication where an individual or group receives two or more conflicting messages with responding to one means failing at the other
what is a paradoxical directive
prescribing the very symptoms the client wants to resolve (reverse psychology). By choosing to manifest the symptom a client may recognize that he or she can create it - therefor has the power to stop or change it
what is a negative feedback loop
information that flows back into the family system to minimize deviation and continue functioning within prescribed limits (helps maintain homeostasis)
what is metacommunication
implicit, nonverbal messages that accompanies verbal communication
what is competency restoration?
psychoeducational intervention where clients who have been found incapable of proceeding in legal trials due to any combination of limited understanding, communication defecits, or impaired ability to conform their behaviors to the demands of the courtroom
steps for bringing concerns for competency to stand trial?
SW tells defense attorney who brings the issue to the judge. OR state’s attorney/judge raise the issue = judge issues a court order mandating a formal evaluation of client competency to stand trial
what is privileged communication?
assumes that a professional cannot disclose confidential info without the clients consent
who identified/develop triangulation
what is triangulation
family therapy concept
-like a two-legged stool, when in balance the dyad is capable of functioning well. When thrown out of balance by conflict, stress, or transitions, the dyad will put in a third person or “leg” to help stabilize the relationship
what is role reversal
2 people have chosen or been forced to exchange their duties and responsibilities, so each is doing what the other used to.
what is the oedipal (oedipus) complex and who developed it
-a boys feelings of desire towards mom and jealousy/anger twoards dad
what are delusions of reference
perceptions that stimuli in the envinorment are directed towards clients themselves and referencng them specifically even though they are not
define attending
described the process of nonverbally communication to clients that SW are open, nonjudgmental, accepting, and interested in what they say
4 things that make good attending
-eye contact
-facial expressions
what is viewing something through a medical model mean?
assumption that abnormal behaivor is the result of physical progrms and should be treated medically
what’s a specifier for obsessives-compulsive and related disorders
with poor isnight
what is narrative therapy
clients are viewed as separate from their problems, and in this way SW can help externalize their sensitive issues. By doing this a client can separate the problem from their identity
**utilizes the power of client’s personal stories to discover their life purpose
what is anosognasia?
impaired awareness of illness (patient doesn’t realize the effect on their family, friends, etc.)
conversion disorder
person experiences physical and sensory problems, such as paralysis, numbness, blindness, deafness or seizures, with no underlying neurologic pathology
reactive attachment disorder
-emotionally detached
-doesn’t form bonds
Dissociative Amnesia with Dissociative Fugue
rare disorder that occurs when a stressful event happens triggers memory loss
Dependent Personality Disorder
need for constant approval regarding everything that someone does.
Schizophreniform Disorder
experiencing psychotic symptoms for less than six months but more than a day+
acute stress disorder
reaction to trauma w/in 1 month (more than a month is PTSD)
individual exaggerates symptoms of mental or physical disorders for secondary gain which could include motives such as financial compensation
defiant to authority figures
Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
forms attachments with strangers while disregarding the regular caregiver
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
when an individual has persistent and intrusive preoccupations with an imagined or slight defect in their appearance.
Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder
struggling with the time patterning of her speech which is displayed by her repetition of words and prolonged syllables
what test is used to determine global functioning?
what disorder is being further studied per the DSM?
caffeine use disorder
transvestic disorder - main symptom?
sexual arousal from cross-dressing