Peds Flashcards
what is object constancy and when is is developed?
2-3 years
the ability to retain a bond with another person — even if you find yourself upset, angry, or disappointed by their actions.
4 types of parenting styles?
-Authoritative - problem solving, clear boundaries, open communication
-Punitive - use of punishment to teach or control a child, often harsh (yelling, threatening, pushing)
-Authoritarian - parent driven, strict, one way communication, little consideration for the child
-Corporal - physical harm to the child
what is formal operations?
Adolescence to adulthood
Scientific reasoning
what is pre-operational?
Symbolic thought
what is sensorimotor?
Birth to 2 years
Object permanence
what is concrete operations?
Logical thought
what is the Differentiation/hatching stage and what ages?
5-9 months
-The infant’s primary focus begins to transform from internally focused to externally focused, although the primary point of reference continues to be the mother.
-This internal process is exemplified by milestones in motor development which physically allow increased separation, such as crawling.
-The infant becomes increasingly interested in discovering his mother (e.g. how she looks or smells) rather than trying to become symbiotically unified with her.
what is the practicing stage and what ages?
9-14 months
Capacity for separation continues to develop with increased autonomous functions, particularly walking. Although able to explore freely, the child still regards the mother as unified with him/her and thus explores his/her surroundings while keeping within an optimal distance. The child’s experience of the world he or she discovers is influenced by the mother’s reactions and by her availability to sooth when experiences may be frightening or painful.
what is the rapprochement stage and what ages?
14-24 months
At this point the child’s desire to achieve independence is marred by a fear of abandonment. Therefore, the child seeks to maintain proximity to the caretaker while engaging in exploration. This stage is essential to the development of a stable sense of self.
what are the 3 sub stages of Rapprochement?
beginning - child returns to caretaker in order to share excitement and experiences
crisis - child recognizes their limitations vs desire to be self-sufficient. lots of temper tantrums and helplessness = increase need for emotional availability of caretaker
solution - child reaches a healthy medium between the two due to language and superego development
what is normal symbiotic and what up to what ages?
up to 6 months
occurs when the child gains awareness of caregivers but has no sense of individuality. The separation-individuation phase takes place at about four or five months, as the child begins to develop a sense of self, separate from the mother
what is aversion therapy?
is used to help a person give up a behavior or habit by having them associate it with something unpleasant
what is extinction and who developed it?
BF skinner
occurs when a response is no longer reinforced following a discriminative stimulus
bowen family therapy
-multigenerational dynamics
-family dynamics
-individuals are understood as a part of the family
structural family therapy
-systems approach
-family boundaries
what age for phallic stage of development
3-6 years old (masterbation, discovering self)
what age for oral stage of development
birth -1 - things to mouth (swallowing, sucking)
what age for anal stage of development
1-3 (withholding or expelling feces)
what age for latency stage of development
6 - puberty (no further development)
what age for genital stage of development
puberty- adulthood (sex)
what is role discomplementary?
when: (1) the different roles assumed by an individual conflict or (2) the individual’s family, employer, co-workers, etc., have role expectations for the individual that differ from his or her own role expectations
self-psychology caregivers meet the needs of children by what 3 things?
mirroring, twinship, idealizing