Res. Code Flashcards
Fireblocking required where?
vertically at ceiling and floor level, horizontally at interval not exceeding 10’
Draft- stopping materials must be what?
must be at least 1/2 inch gypsum or 3/8 plywood
All habitable rooms shall have aggregate glaze area of what percentage of floor area?
Not less than 8%
One habitable room than not less than how much sq. ft. of gross area
70 ft
min ceiling requirement for habitable room?
7 ft
water closet clearance?
15 inches from side wall and 21 inches of knee clearance
Where is safety glazing is required?
all hazardous locations
Emergency escape and rescue openings: what is min net clear open-able area?
4 sq. ft.
Emergency escape and rescue openings: sill height?
not more than 44 inches
Egress door shall have a width of ?
at least 32 inches
landing outside of an egress door must be
36 inches wide in direction of travel
min hallway and stairway width?
36 inches
Min headroom in all parts of stiarway?
No less than 6 ft 8
max riser height?
8 1/4 inches
landing requires a min size of ?
36 x 36 in
handrail heights?
between 34 - 38 inches
porches, balconies, or raised floors shall have gaurds at how many inches in height
36 inches
where are smoke alarms required?
each sleeping room, outside each sleeping room area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms, each story of dwelling including basements not including inhabitable spaces such as crawl spaces and inhabitable attics, not less than 3 ft horizontally from the door or opening of a bathroom that contains a bathtub or shower
untreated wood clearances: floor joists must be kept how many inches from ground? girders?
floor j’s 18 inches and girders 12 inches
building in coastal high hazardous areas are support with?
columns or pilings
the grade away from foundation walls shall fall a minimum of how many inches within first 10 ft?
min thickness of spread footingh?
6 inches
min thickness of slab?
3.5 inches
all exterior footings and foundation systems shall extend below where?
frost line
In no case shall the bottom of the exterior footsings be less than how many inches below finished grade?
12 in
top surface of footing must be level. bottom of footing may have a slope not exceed?
1:10 or 10% slope
a wood sill plate shall be anchored of min of what size bolt and max spacing?
1/2 inch diameter and max of 6 feet on center
Minimum of how many bolts per plate section? how far from corner do you need bolt?
two bolts per section, no more than 12 inches form the corner
concrete and masonry foundation walls must extend at least ?
concrete 4 inches and masonry 6 inches
minimum net area of ventilation openings shall be no less than how many sq./ ft for each 150 sq. ft of crawl space area?
1 sq ft
foundation vent shall be within how many ft of each corner of the building
3 ft
min thickness and lap for ground vapor retarder in a crawl space?
6 mil, not lapped not less than 12 inches
min access required for crawl space?
18 x 24 inches
for concrete floors on ground a how many inches of case course thickness required? What thickness of mil. vapor retarder and what min. lap?
4 inch thick base course, 6 mil. with a min 6 inch min lap`
studs shall be a min of # ____ , standard or stud grade lumber?
No. 3
load bearing studs may be notched at what percent of their depth? non load bearing?>
load bearing 25%, non load bearing 40%
solid masonry walls of one story and garage should not be less than how many inches?
6 inches
thickness of a standard glass masonry block?
3 7/8
wood framing supporting gypsum boards shall not be less than?
2 inches nominal
ridge boards shall be at least how many inches in nominal thickness?
1 inch
the top plate must be double and have a width of at least equal to the width of the stud. All end joints must be offset at least how many inches?
24 inches
load bearing studs may be notched how much depth? its a percentage
non-load bearing may be notched what percentage of depth?
Reinforcing embedded in mortar joints must have at least ____ what of inch mortar cover?
5/8 of an inch
solid masonry walls of one story dwelling and garage should not be less than how many inches in thickness?
6 inches
the max corbelled projection beyond the face of the wall shall not be more than ____ of wall thickness
1/2 of wall thickness
the unsupported height of masonry piers shall not exceed ____ times their least dimensions?
hollow piers may be used if their unsupported height is not more than ___ times their least dimension?
4 times
At least what percentage of wall surface must solid headers comprise in multiple wythe masonry walls? 4
4 percent
There shall be at least one metal tie for each ___ sq. ft. of wall area?
4.5 st. ft.
Max spacing for all metal ties?
24 inches vertically 36 inches horizontally
thickness of a standard glass masonry block?
3 7/8”
wood framing supporting gypsum board shall not be less than ___.
2 inches nominal
veneer ties - if strand wire use? sheet metal? what gauge do you use?
No. 9 gauge for strand wire, sheet metal no. 22 guage
max space for weep whole is ___ on center? Weep holes shall not be less than ____ inches in diameter
max spacing 48 inches on center; 3/16 inches in diameter
ridge boards shall be at least how many inches in nominal thickness?
one inch
the ends of each rafter or ceiling joist shall have not less than 1 1/2 inches of bearing on wood and metal. not less how many inches on masonry or concrete?
3 inches
at what point do headers and trimmers have to be doubled?
span is more than 4 ft
total net free ventilating area should not be how much of the area of the space ventilated?
no less than ___ space shall be provided between the insulation and the roof sheathing?
minimum net clear opening for attic access?
20” x 30”
roof drainage - unless roofs are sloped to drain over roof edges, roof drains shall be installed at ?
each low point of the rood
asphalt shingles shall only be used on roof slopes of ____ or greater? For slopes from 2:12 up to 4:12 what application is required?
2:12 or great; double under layment application is required
minimum of how many fasteners per single in a 140 mph wind zone?
min of 6
when using mineral surface roll roofing as a valley flashing the top layer must be at least?
36 inches
for wood shingles solid sheathing is required in area where the average daily temp in Jan is ____degrees or less?
25 degrees
wood shakes shall be laid with a side lap not less than ____ between joints in adjacent courses?
1 1/2 inches
valley flashing min thickness No. ___ gage and shall extend at least ___ inches from the center line each way
26 gage; 11 inches from center
min slope for a modified bitumen roof?
hearth extension dimensions: if firebox is less than 6 sq. ft. then ___ inches in front and ___ inches on side?
16 front; 8 on side
hearth extension dimensions: if firebox is 6 sq. ft. or larger then ___ inches in front and ___ inches on side?
20 inches front, 12 inches on the side
what is the min clearance required for any combustible materials for any fireplace masonry work?
2 inches
chimneys must extend at least 2 ft higher than any portion of a building within how many feet?
10 ft
clay flue lining must extend not less the __ inches above the enclosing walls?
8 inches
when tow or more flies are located in the same chimney a masonry wall no less than ___ inches must be built between flues
4 inches
crickets are required when the dimension parallel to the ridge line is greater than ___ inches
0 inches
materials and equip shall be identified in a manner that will allow a determination of their compliance with
energy efficiency
foundation wall footings in the 120 and 130 mph wind zones shall be a min of ___ inches by ___ inches for houses 2-1/2 stories or less
8 inches by 24 inches
the footings for a 3 story buildings in 120 and 130 mph wind zones shall be a min of ___ inches by ___ inches
10 inches by 24
anchorage in the 120 and 130 mph wind zones shall be continuous from ___ to ____?
roof to footings