Rerenga Tuatahi Flashcards
How will you get there? 1
Mā hea koe haere ai?
How will you get there? 2ways to two people
Mā hea atu kōrua?
Mā hea kōrua haere ai?
Same old, same old. (KTAAR)
Ko taua ahua anō rā
So, so / however
Heoi anō
Are you from here?
Nō kōnei koe?
Where did you grow up?
I tipi ake koe i hea?
I grew up in Rotorua but I live in Auckland
I tipu ake au I Rotorua engari, e noho ana ahau i Tāmaki Mākau rau.
I have lived in Auckland for 26 years?
Kua rua tekau mā ono tau ahau e noho ana I Tāmaki mākau rau. / Kua rua tekau mā ono tau e noho ana ahau I Tāmaki mākau rau.
What are you doing shortcut
He aha tāu
What are you doing?
Kei te aha koe?
Do you have lots of work today?
He nui o mahi i tēnei rā?
Give me three possums (in response to kia hia …)
Kia toru ngā Paihama/ paihamu.
How many pieces do you want?
Kia hia ngā pīhi?
Pass me another cake?
Homai tētahi atu keke.
Get me someone else
Tīkina tētahi atu te tangata
It’s stopped raining 2 ways
Kua mao te ua/ Kua mutu te heke o te ua.
It’s ā rainy day
Kei te rangi hāuaua
He rangi hāuaua I tēnei rā
Can you explain (explain to me) the difference between the words.
Whakamāramatia mai te rereke I ngā kupu
He no longer wants to go
Kua kore ia e hiahia ki te haere
It doesn’t bother me
Kāore he aha ki a au
I said
Kua ki atu ahau
When do we leave? 2ways
Āhea tāua ka wehe/ Āhea tāua wehe ai
When is your flight? ( to 2 people)
Āhea tō kōrua rerenga?
Despite it being cold the sun is shining here.
Ahakoa te makariri e whiti ana te rā i kōnei.
We only need a few things
Torutoru noa iho ngā mea e hiahia ana
Did you bring the resources?
I mau mai koe I ngā rauemi?
Yes I have them
Āe. Kei ahau.
What do you want?
He aha tō pīrangi?
Can you look over my work? (Agent emphatic)
Māu aku mahi e titiro?
I haven’t yet finished my homework
Kāore anō au kia oti aku mahi kāinga
Some questions
These are some questions for you
Here’s some questions
These are some questions
He pātai
He pātai ēnei māu
Anei ētahi pātai
He pātai ēnei
Wilderness, open space, desert, mud flats, open area, vacant land.