Required Practicals Paper 2 Flashcards
Method for disappearing cross experiment
- Use a measuring cylinder to add 10cm3 of sodium thiosulfatein to a conical flask
- Place flask onto a printed black cross
- Add 10cm3 of HCl
- Swirl the solution and immdiately start the timer and look down through the top of the flask
- Stop the timer once it has gone cloudy (due to sulfur precipitate) and you can no longer see the cross
- repeat with different concentrations of sodium thiosulfate
- repeat to find a mean
Problem with disappearing cross experiment
- People have different qualities of eyesight
- This may lead to people getting different results so the practical is not reproducible
Method for volume of gas produced by a reaction experiment
- Use a measuring cylinder to add 50cm3 HCl to a conical flask
- Attach a bung and delivery tube into a trough of water and and upturned measuring cylinder filled with water
- Add 3cm Mg ribbon
- Swirl + immediately start the timer once the bung is on
- Every 10s, measure the volume of gas collected until it is full
- Repeat to find a mean
- Repeat with different conc. HCl
- Control temperature, length of Mg and volume of HCl
- To find the rate, you do 1/time
Method to carry out paper chromatography ro find the dyes in food colouring
- Use a ruler to draw a pencil start line on the paper about 2cm from the bottom of the paper
- Mark some spots using pencil on the line and leave 1cm clear between each one
- Use a capillary tube to place a spot of the known food colurs and the unknown food colours on the pencil spots
- Pour a solvent e.g. water into a beaker
- Attach the paper to a glass rod using tape and lower it into the beaker so that the paper is in the solvent but the solvent is below the start line
- Attach a lid
- Wait for the solvent to move up the paper and carry the dyes with it and take it out of the water once it is near the top
- Use the pencil to mark the solvent front
- Hang the paper up to dry it
- Line up the spots of the unknown colour with the known colours to see what it is a mixture of
Method for experiment to check if water is pure
- Check the pH by adding a drop of the water onto universal indicator paper - if the water is pure the paper should turn green indicating a pH of 7
- Get mass of empty evaporating basin using a mass balance
- Fill with water sample and place on a beaker of water on a tripod and gauze
- Heat until all water has evaporated
- Reweigh evaporating basin and if no change in mass, water was most likely pure as it doesn’t have any dissolved solids
How to use paper chromatography to identify an unknown substance
- Set up chromatography in standard way with the unknown chemical on the pencil start line
- Draw a line where the solvent got to (solvent front)
- Measure the distance moved by the unknown chemical
- Measure the distance moved by the solvent
- Use these values in the Rf value equation
- Look this Rf value up in a database but it may not be on there if the substance has never been analysed
- This may need to be repeated with different solvents
Method for experiment to purify water
- Set up water in a conical flask on a tripod and gauze. attach a bung an a delivery tube directed into a test tube surrounded with a beaker of ice and water
- Heat water using a bunsen burner
- It will evaporate and travel along the delivery tube
- When it gets to the cold beaker, it condenses and forms distilled water as any dissolved solids are left in the conical flask