Describe how to carry out required practical 1 (investigating the effect of a named variable on the rate of an enzyme controlled reaction)
- place four test tubes in a test tube rack
- draw a cross on two of the test tubes in the middle
- place 10cm3 of milk in the 2 test tubes with cross
- place 4cm3 of pH7 buffer solution in one of the empty test tubes (control group)
- place 2cm3 of pH7 buffer solution in the other empty tube along with 2cm3 0.5% trypsin
- place all test tubes in water bath at chosen temperature
- once all test tubes have reached chosen temperature, mix the control test tube with the milk and the trypsin test tube with the other tube of milk
- place back in the water bath and set a timer
- watch the test tubes and when you can see the cross through the trypsin test tube, stop the timer
- repeat with 5 other temperatures
- plot graph
Describe how to carry out required practical 4 (investigating cell membrane permeability)
- gather 5 test tubes and fill them with 20cm3 of water
- place one in ice cold water and the rest in water baths of different temperatures: 20,40,60,80
- use cork borer to get 5 evenly sized cylinders of beetroot, cut them to the same size using a ruler
- place in water to get rid of excess pigment and then towel dry
- place each cylinder into a separate test tube of different temperatures
- leave for 5 mins
- place some liquid from each test tube into its own cuvette
- place them one by one in a colorimeter with blue light
- record absorbance
- plot graph
Describe how to carry out required practical 2 (calculating mitotic index using plant cells)
- heat 1 mole dm3 HCL in a water bath at 60degrees for 10 minutes
- remove the tips from the root of garlic (around 1cm)
- place in the warmed HCL for 5mins)
- rinse the tips well with cold water and blot dry
- cut 2mm of the tip and place onto slide
- use 2 mounted needles to tease the root apart
- place a drop of 1% toluidine blue on tip and leave for 1-2 mins
- place cover slip on slide, squash down gently
- place under microscope and observe
- calculate mitotic index:
Number of cells with visible chromosomes/total number of cells in sample
Describe how to carry out required practical 6 (use of aseptic techniques to investigate the effect of antimicrobial substances on microbial growth)
- Use antiseptic cleaner to disinfect working station, run neck of broth bottle through Bunsen burner to disinfect
- Use a sterile pipette to transfer bacteria from broth to agar plate
- Open Petri dish slightly and dispense broth onto agar plate
- Run spreader through flame and then use to spread broth evenly over agar plate
- Use forceps to place a multi disc antibiotic ring on the plate
- Lightly tape lid on, invert and incubate at 25degrees for 48hours
- sterilise all equipment and disinfect surfaces
After incubation:
Measure the diameter of the inhibition zone for each antibiotic, without removing lid
Work out the area of inhibition zone using the formula:
A = pi x diameter2/4
Describe how to carry out required practical 3 (investigating water potential)
- Make a dilution series of 1M salt solution and label boiling tubes 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0 mol/dm3
- Add distilled water to each boiling tube making them 20cm3
- Use a cork borer to cut 6 identical cylinders of potato, cut them to the same length using a ruler
- Pat them dry to remove any excess moisture
- Measure the before mass of each cylinder and record masses in a table
- Place a cylinder in each solution
- After 1 hour, remove the cylinders from solution and blot dry
- Measure after mass and then calculate the change in mass