What is non - dysfunction?
A change in the number of chromosomes due to the failure of separation of homologous chromosomes during meiosis, this may result in a gamete with one more or one less chromosome
What’s the locus?
The position of a gene on a chromosome
What’s the genome?
The entire set of genes in a cell
What does degenerate mean?
A feature of the genetic code, more than one triplet can code for an amino acid
What is genetic diversity?
The number of different alleles in a population
What is phylogeny?
The evolutionary relationships between individuals or groups of organisms
Define species
A group of organisms with similar characteristics that can interbreed to produce fertile offspring
Define species richness
A measure of the number of different species in a community at a given time
- it’s a measure of species diversity
What’s a taxon?
Each group within the phylogenic classification system
What are selection pressure?
factors that drive evolution by natural selection eg. Predation and disease
What’s a pioneer species?
Species that can survive in hostile environments
Define population
All organisms of the same species living in the same habitat