Required practicals Flashcards
Describe a method for investigating an objects specific heat capacity
- If solid the object must have two holes in it (for the heater and thermometer).
- Measure the mass of object, then wrap it in an insulating layer. Insert themometer and heater.
- Measure initial temperature of the object and set PD of PSU to be 10V. Turn on PSU and start a stopwatch.
- As block heats up use themometer to measure its temperature every min.
- Once collected enough reading turn off PSU and calculate materials specific heat capacity.
Describe a method on how current flowing through a component changes as PD accross it is increased
- Set up test circuit shown.
- Begin to vary variable resistor. This alters the current and PD across the component.
- Take several pairs of readings from ammeter and voltmeter to see how PD across each component varies as current changes.
- Swap over wires connceted to cell so direction of current is reversed.
- Plot a graph of I against V for the component.
Describe a method to investigate how the length of wire affects resistance
- Attatch a crocodile clip to wire level with 0 cm on ruler
- Attatch second crocodile clip to wire, e.g. 10cm way, take note of length between clips
- Close switch and record current and pd across wire.
- Open switch, then move second crocidle clip another 10cm. Close switch and record current and pd.
- Repeat
- Calculate resistance using R = V / I.