Required Practicals Flashcards
2: investigating mitosis
Scalpel - cut root tip Test tube - HCl - 60C 5min Rinse distilled and dry Microscope slide Cut 2mm off tip Mounted needle - cut open root - spread cells thinly Stain drops - visible chromosomes Place cover slip - squash firmly Look under microscope
2: Using optical microscope
Clip slide onto stage
Select lowest powered objective lens
Coarse object lens - brings obj lens closer to slide
Look through ocular lens and focus using fine adjustment knob
2: What is the equation for mitotic index?
Mitotic index =
Total no of cells observed
3: water potential - measuring change in mass
Cut potato equally - cork borer Weigh - mass balance Sucrose solution - serial dilution Place potato in solution - 20 min - stopwatch Dry and reweigh Calculate percentage lost of mass
4: cell membrane permeability
Cut 5 equal beetroot. Rinse pigment - scalpel
5 test tubes 5cm3 water 10-50C preheat
Place beetroot in test tube for 5 min
Remove beetroot
Colorimeter - passes specific wavelength of light through substance and measures absorbance
Turn on and allow 5 min to stabilize
Distilled water in cuvette
Sample of pigment in cuvette - pipette
Cuvette in colorimeter - not Frosted sides
4: what does a higher reading on the colorimeter mean?
Higher absorbance so more pigment so higher permeability
6: what is antibiotics a type of?
They are a type of anti microbial substance
6: aseptic techniques
Disinfect surfaces before starting
Work near Bunsen flame
Sterilize glassware before and after use
6: testing effects of antibiotics
Bacteria grown in liquid broth
Sterilize inoculating loop - Bunsen flame
Transfer bacteria to ajar plate and spread bacteria across it - loop
Place sterile paper discs containing diff antibiotics. Control with water only
Seal - tape, invert & incubate @ 25C for 48h
Inhibition zones form - larger zone = more bacteria inhibited from growing
1: rate of enzyme controlled reaction - measuring volume and time of gas produced
Set up apparatus with boiling tubes of same vol and conc - add buffer to maintain ph
Waterbaths - 10-50C
Place test tubes and enzyme test tubes
Add same vol and conc of enzyme to each solution - quickly attach to bung
Time 60s of 02 produced
Divide mass of o2 prod by 60s to get rate of enzyme controlled reaction