required practicals Flashcards
RP 2 - prep of stained squashes of cells from plant root tips
1) add 10ml of 5mol^dm-3 hydrochloric acid to a beaker placed on a bench mat
2) cut small sample of root tip using scalpel
3) transfer root tip immediately to hydrochloric acid in beaker and leave for 15 minutes
4) set up microscope whilst waiting
5) remove root tip and rinse in distilled water in watch glass
6) cut off root tip (1mm) and place on microscope slide
7) place few drops of toluidine blue stain and macerate with mounted needle to separate cells
8) add cover slip and spread root tip using gentle pressure and blot simultaneously using filter paper between finger and slide
9) place on microscope stage
10) set objective lens to lowest magnification and use coarse adjustment knob to readjust focus until image clear, using higher magnification if necessary
11) calculate mitotic index - no.of cells in mitosis/ total number of cells
what is purpose of HCl - RP 2
-destroy substances uniting cells to break into tissue and individual cells to halt process of mitosis
how what u use an eyepiece graticule to determine the mean diameter of an organelle
-place stage micrometer on stage
-look through eyepiece graticule and align with stage micrometer to calibrate
-calculate how many known values on stage micrometer equal one eyepiece graticule unit
-measure each organelle using eyepiece graticule
-take number of measurements to calculate mean
why is the lowest mag needed - RP 2
-larger area of slide can be viewed
-specfic areas can be located easier
-focusing is easier
where does mitosis occur in the root - RP 2
how is the mitotic index ensured to be reliable
-select multiple fields of view/many cells to ensure representative sample
-pick fields of view at random (e.g. using grid and random number generator)
-repeat count to ensure figures correct
-count only whole cells
-calculate mean of different mitotic indexes
RP 3
1) make a serial dilution of sucrose solutions using distilled water - at 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 mol sucrose
2) measure 5cm^3 of each dilution into separate test tubes
3) use cork borer to cut out six potato chips and cut down sections into identically sized chips using the scalpel
4) dry each chip using a paper towel to remove excess water
5) weigh each before start of experiment and record
6) place a potato chip in each test tube and leave for 20 minutes
7) remove each potato chip and blot dry using paper towel before weighing each again
8) calculate percentage change in mass for each potato chip
9) plot graph of percentage change in mass (y-axis) against concentration of sucrose solution (x-axis)
10) x axis intercept is equal to the concentration of the potato
11) use this to find data for the water potential of the potato - compare against another source/ graph
what are the variables in RP 3
independent - conc of sucrose
dependent - percentage change in mass
control- vol of sucrose soltuion, size of potato chips
RP4 - permeability of membranes - often used with beetroot or carrots or smth else
1) cut beetroot into slice of uniform thickness using scalpel
2) cut slice into 10 identical discs using cork borers
3) rinse discs with distilled water to remove any excess pigment
4) create a dilution series of ethanol ranging from 0 - 100% using distilled water
5) place two discs in each test tube
6) leave samples for 5 minutes
7) set colorimeter to a blue filter and zero using a cuvette with distilled water
8) filter each sample into a cuvette using filter paper
9) measure absorbance for each solution
10) higher absorbance = higher pigment concentration = more permeable membrane
11) plot graph of absorbance (y-axis) against ethanol concentration/ temperature (x-axis)
variables and controls (group) for RP4
control group - 2 beetroot discs in distilled water to show any pigment released from the action of the alcohol
independent - alcohol conc or temp
dependent - absorbance
control - size of beetroot discs, vol of solution, time in beetroot solution
notes for RP 4
-beetroot contains purple pigment betalain, which is contained within vacuole
-can indicate permeability as betalain leaks out of cell membrane when membrane permeability increased
-ethanol is non-polar so acts as solvent for phospholipids, dissolving them
in RP 4 why would using a calorimeter improve the results
-quantative method
-colour change is subjective
-standardises the method
why wash beetroot discs at start - RP 4
-wash off any betalain pigment
-show that any pigment released is from the effect of alcohol conc/temp
why would the results be different if used cooked beetroot
-heating would damage the plasma membranes
-denatures the protein and disprupts phospholipid bilayer
-lots of pigment released during cooking
why do u shake the tt every min - RP 4
-increase contact of all surfaces with the alcohol
-prevent discs sticking tg
-maintain diffusion gradient for pigment