Reproductive System Exam 2 Flashcards
Ovarian Functions
Production and release of gametes
Maturation of oocyte
Secretion of estrogen, progesterone, inhibin
Estrogen Effects
Heart/Liver: down-regulate cholesterol
Breast: increase size
Ovary: maturation
Vagina: maturation
Uterus: maturation
Bone: density
Changes in uterus layer
Mammary gland development
Relaxes uterine smooth muscle
Blocks follicular maturation and ovulation
Embryo implantation
How many follicles are in the ovarian cycle
Eggs stored in follicles
20 follicles begin maturation
Only one matures
Regulation of Follucular Phase: LH, FSH, GnRH
-Hormones stimulate development of primordial follicles into primary, secondary, and mature follicles
-GnRH controls cycle
-FSH initates follicular growth
-LH stimulates development of ovarian follicles
-FSH and LH stimulate cells in the secondary and mature follicles to secrete estrogens
Ovulation functions
-Mature follicle ruptures and releases its secondary oocyte into pelvic cavity
-Occurs 34-38 hours after LH surge begins
-Occurs 14 days before menstrual flow
Ovulation mechanism
- High levels of estrogen release GnRH and LH
- GnRH promotes release of FSH and LH
- LH surge causes ovulation
Positive Feedback in late follicular phase
Secretion of estrogen
Estrogen acts on anterior pituitary gland
Hypothalamus produces increased LH
Luteal Phase
-Follicle collapses and granulose cell enlarge -> make corpus luteum
Corpus Luteum Effects in the Luteal Phase
-Made under influence of LH
-Secretes progesterone, estrogen, inhibin
-Temporary and helps maintain pregnancy
-Max development in 10 days then degenerates
Negative Feedback in Luteal Phase
-Increase of progesterone and estrogen by corpus luteum
-Levels suppress release of FSH and LH
-Inhibin suppresses release of FSH and lesser LH
(Estrogen high, FSH & LH low)
Fertilization Occurs
-Ovum moves into uterus
-Secrete progesterone and estrogen for 60-80 days due to HCG
HCG has LH and FSH properties
-60-80 days HCG declines and corpus luteum degenerates
Temporary endocrine organ
Transports molecules
Produces hormones
Levels of what is detected for pregnancy tests
HCG (Human chrionic gonadotropin)
Fertilization does not occur
-Corpus luteum degenerates
-Form corpus albican (scar tissue)
-Corpus luteum stops secreting estrogen and progesterone
-Increase FSH and LH
-Cycle restarts
Uterus main functions
-Pathway part for sperm in vagina to reach tubes
-Implantation of fertilized ovum
-Source of menstrual flow w/o implantation
Uterus Wall (Layers outside to inside)
Perimetrium: Incomplete membrane, peritoneal lining
Myometrium: Thickest portion, muscle, force to push fetus into vagina, oxytocin contraction, 90% mass
Endometrium: 10% mass, glandular & vascular tissue, physiological demands of growing fetus
Endometrium: functional and basilar zones
Functional Zone: Uterine glands, endometrial thickness, dramatic changes in thickness during cycle
Basilar Zone: Endometrium to myometrium, terminal branches of tubular endometrial glands
Uterine Cycle: Proliferative phase, secretory phase, fertilization
Day 5-14: proliferative phase
-New growth of endometrium by estrogen -> uterine glands and spiral arteries develop -> glycogen fills glands
Days 14-28: secretory phase
-Progesterone influences endometrium -> secretes glycogen, arteries coil, prepare for implantation
Uterine Cycle w/ & w/o fertilization
-Estrogen & Progesterone levels high -> cycle stops -> no menstruation
-Endometrium degenerates, decrease estrogen & progesterone level which causes shedding
-Blood vessels constrict (tissue dies, 50ml blood)
Overview of cycle: phases steps and hormone
Follicular Phase:
Primordial, primary, secondary follicules (estrogen)
Mature follicle and ovulation (both have estrogen)
Luteal Phase:
Corpus Luteum (progestorone & estrogen)
No fertilization:
Corpus Albican
Menopause: when to count and symptoms
Rapid decrease of estrogen, 12 months w/o period
Hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings
Low level of estrogen, increase chance of breaking bones, decrease Ca2+
Accessory organs: Ducts and sex glands
Ducts: sperm from epididymis -> vas deferens -> urethra
Accessory sex glands: produce secretions to protect and support the sperm
Male puberty before and during
Before: small amounts of testosterone inhibit GnRH release
During: suppress GnRH release, result in increased production of FSH, LH, testosterone
Effects of Testosterone
-Produced by Leydig cells
-Development of male sex organs in embryo
-Descent of testes
-Enlargement of genitalia
-Sperm cell formation
-Hair growth
-Metabolic Rate
Site of production of sperm and sex hormone (androgens)
Suspended in sac outside of abdominal wall
-Sperm Production (2-3 degree cooler)
Sertoli in Seminiferous Tubules
Sertoli cells:
-Inside spermatogenic cells
-blood-testies barrier
-Regulation of spermatogensis
-Nourish sperm cells
-Secrete inhibin
Spermatogenic Cells in Seminiferous Tubules
Leydig cells
Located btw seminiferous tubules
Secrete testosterone
Testosterone are androgen and synthesized in testes
Adrenal Cortex synthesizes other circulating androgens but are less potent than testosterone
Spermatogenesis stages
Produced in seminiferous tubules
Cell Division:
Mitosis -> form primary spermatocytes
Meiosis -> forms spermatids from spermatocytes
Spermiogenesis -> spermatids form sperm during differentiation
Sperm released into lumen of seminiferous tubule
Parts of Sperm
Cap-like vesicle filled with enzymes
Help penetrate oocyte
Middle Piece:
ATP for locomotion
300 million sperm complete spermatogenesis a day
Hormones in Spermatogenesis
-Beginning of puberty: anterior pituitary increase secretion of LH and FSH
-LH stimulates secretion of testosterone from Leyding cells
-Testosterone controls spermatogenesis
-FSH stimulates Sertoli cells & spermatogonia increasing the rate
What cell secretes ABP and inhibin
Sertoli cells
ABP binds to ________ to maintain a concentration
ABP binds to testosterone -> maintains concentration
The level of inhibin regulates ____ and production of ______
FSH, sperm
What does the testis and epididymis do
Testies: coiled system that stores and transmits sperm
Epididymis: sperm acquire motility -> also storage
How is semen made and how does urine not mix with this
Made by mixing sperm with gland secretions
Sphincter closes off bladder connection to urethra
Infertility in males
20 million per ml is infertile
Need viagra to increase blood flow to organ to have erection
Vasectomy - surgical infertility, remove vas deferens