Reproductive Imaging: The Pelvis Flashcards
What is the imaging modality of choice for the female pelvis?
The preferred imaging modality is ultrasound
Ultrasound is preferred because it does not have radiation, you can see the anatomy/pathology in real time, its portable, independent from organ function, and you can monitor the blood flow
What is the most common uterine mass?
How does the pt. present?
Uterine myoma (fibroid) is the most common uterine mass
A pt. with a myoma may present with vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, or pelvic fullness.
The fibroid will commonly degenerate and calcify
What is the best imaging modality for preoperative staging of cervical cancer?
MRI is the single best imaging modality for preoperative staging of cervical cancer
What are the signs of ectopic pregnancy on an US?
How might the patient present?
Signs of ectopic pregnancy on an US include:
- “pseudo-sac”
- adnexal mass
- adnexal and/cul de sac blood or fluid
The patient might have: AVB, pain and adnexal mass (classic triad), cervical motion tenderness, amenorrhea, Positive pregnancy test, Beta-hCG which does not adequately increase in 48 hour period
What is the most accurate way to date a pregnancy between weeks 7-12?
The most accurate way to date a fetus during weeks 7-12 is by the Crown-Rump Length. Can date the fetus to within 3-4 days
When is the nasal bone visible?
The nasal bone becomes visible between 12-14 weeks
How early can the gestational sac be identified?
The gestational sac can be identified as early as 4.5 weeks
What is Nuchal Translucency
when is it seen?
what does it indicate?
Nuchal Translucency is a fold at the back of the neck. it is seen between 12-14 weeks
Nuchal Translucency is a marker for downs syndrome, risomy 13, 18, and X0 (turner) and can also be a marker for cardiac defects
What is a marginal placenta previa?
A marginal placenta previa partially overlaps or approximates the internal cervical os
What is the most important measurement to make in late pregnancy?
The most important measurement to make in late pregnancy is the Abdominal Circumference. It is a reflection of fetal size and weight rather than age.
This is good to monitor for growth of the fetus.
How do we measure amniotic fluid?
What is Polyhydraminos?
Amniotic Fluid Volume is measure by the amniotic fluid index.
Polyhydraminos is “too much” amniotic fluid- usually considered to be anything more than 2 L.