Reproductive Flashcards
Epithelial lining of GI tract (except oral)
AND gametes
All skeletal and cardiac muscle tissue and most smooth muscle tissues.
Gonads and genital ducts
Adrenal Cortex
All Nervous tissue
Epidermis of skin
Chorion hormone
secretes estrogen and progesterone to inhibit menstruation
Relaxin hormone
Secreted by corpus luteum. Increases flexibility of pubic symphysis and ligaments. Helps dilate cervix during labor
hCS or hPL hormones
preps mammary glands
True Labor Stages
- Stage of Dilation
- Expulsion
- Placental Stage
Prolactin hormone
secreted by anterior pituitary gland. Main hormone for milk production
Oxytocin Hormone
Cause of release of milk via milk ejection reflex
Genes for the same trait that are in the same location.
Dominant allele: dominates other allele
Newborn PKU
Tests for phenylalanine hydroxylase enzyme
Actual genetic makeup
Dominant-Recessive inheritance pattern
Aa or Bb. Dominant allele
Incomplete Dominance
neither member of the pair of alleles is dominant over the other.
Sickle cell anemia
Multiple inheritance
Genes have more than two alternative forms (ie ABO blood groups)