Reproductive Flashcards
worts most invasibe and most common breast tumor
invasive ductal
most common testicular tumor
- fried egg apariencie
- equivalent to woman dysgerminoma
- increase ALP
most common testicular tumor in boys
yolk sack tumor(endodermal sinus) -
- schiller duval bodies resemble primitive glomeruli
- increase AFP
most common testicular cancer in old man
testicular lymphoma
- -not a primary cancer -its a met tot he testes.
mutation in sonic headgehog gene
Mutation FGF gene
ACHONDROPLASIA stimulates mitosis providing lengthening of limbs
homeobox genes
segmental organizxation of the embrio apprendages in wrong locations
develoment stage at moment of implantation
BLASTOCYST (week1) day 7
proces that form the trilaminar embryonic disc
GASTRULATION -epiblas invaginating to form the primitive streak
- PNS(dorsal root ganglia,craneal nerves,celial ganglion,schwann cells, ANS)
- melanocytes
- chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla
- parafollicular (C) cells fo thyroid
- pia and arachnoid
- bones of skull
- odontoblasts
- aorticopulmonary septum
medosemal defects
- vertebral defects
- anal atresia
- cardiac defects
- tracheo esophageal fistula
- renal defects
- limb defects(bone and muscle)
Week 3-8
- before week 3 =all or none
- after week 8= growth and function affected
monocygotic twins
1 fertilized egg
- <day>
<li>4-8day=monochorionic diamniotic</li>
<li>8-12=monochorinonic monoamniotic</li>
<li>>13 day=mono mono SIAMESES</li>
umbilical arteries and veins are derivad from?
it becomest the urachus(duct between fetal bladder and yolk salK)
urachal cyst
can leat to adenocarcinoma
meconium discharge from umbilicus
vitelline fistula
ectopic gastric mucosa and/or pancreatic tessiue
meckel diverticulum
(onphalomesenteric duct defect)
allantoid give rise to->
vitelline duct gives rise to–>
allantoid=urachus (week 3)
vitelline duct=onphalomesenteric duct(week 7)
4th aoritc arch derivatives
- left=aortic arch
- right=proximal part of the right sunclavia artery
6 th aortic arch derivatives
- proximal part of the pulmonary arteries
- ductus arteriosus
branchial cleft cyst withi lateral neck
Persistent cervical sinus
failure to obliterated 2th-4th brachial cleft by the 2th brachial arch
first arch neural crest fails to migrate.->mandibular hypoplasia,facila abnormlalities
Treacher Collin Syndrome
2 arch defect
Congenital pharyngocutaneous fistula
-presistence of cleft and pouch->fistula between tonsilar area and lateral neck
Aberrant development of 3rd and 4th pouches
DiGeorge syndrome (t22:11)
3rd pouch
- no thymes,no T-cells and hypocalmeia(no inferor parathyroid)
4th pouch
- (no superior parathyroids)
failure to fuse of the maxillary and medial nasal processes
cleft lip
failure of fusion of the two lateal palatine processes or failure of lateral palatine processes with the nasal septum
cleft palate
SRY gene on Y=
sertoli cells secrete MIF=
Leydig cells=
SRY gene on Y=testes determinating factor
sertoli cells secrete MIF=suppresses develoment of paramesonephric ducts
Leydig cells=stimulare mesonephric duct
Paramesonephric (mullerian)duct derivatives
Paramesonephric (mullerian)duct derivatives
- fallopian tubes
- uterus
- upper portions of vagina(lower portion from urogenital sinus)
mesonephric (wolffian) ducts derivates
Mesonephric (wolffian) ducts derivates
male internal structures
- epididymis
- ductus deferens
- seminal vesicles
- ejaculatory duct