Reproductive Flashcards
Sonic Hedgehog
Important for early anterior posterior patterning
mutations or dysfunction may lead to holoprosencephaly
Dorsal ventral patterning in early embryo
Growth of limbs, mesodermal mitosis
Segmentations in embryo
-Mutations leads to limb displacement
-Fertilization leading to zygote then to morula and then to blastocyst which will implant into the endometrium at day 6
Inner cell mass (form three layered embryo) and trophoblast layers (interact with endometrium)
Embryonic Period
3-8 weeks, development of organs. Teratogens in development can occur here
4 weeks
heart beats
10 weeks
distinguish male and female genetalia
Surface Ectoderm
- Skin
- Craniopharyngoma (oil, chol, calcifications)
CNS and glial cells
Neural Crest
PNS, parafollicular C cells, pia and arachnoid, bones of skull, odontoblasts, aortopulmonary septation
Muscle, bone, connective tissue
- Spleen: Foregut mesoderm
- Kidney and bladder (intermediate)
Nucleus Pulposus
- All luminal organs
- Gut, etc
- Lungs, liver, eustachian tube, PTH, thymus, thyroid follicuar cells
- If seen before 3 weeks is often fatal
- If seen 3-8 often severe effects on organogenesis
- If seen from 8 onward defects mainly in growth and maturation
Most common teratogen in US
-Microcephaly, holoprosencephaly, retardation, facial anomalies, may have cardio-respiratory anomalies
Renal anomalies, may also be CNS and Cardio. There may be less risk in first trimester and more risk in 2nd and 3rd. Mechanism involves oligohyramnios
Alkylating Agents
Absence of digits and other abnormalitties
-Damage to CN 8 and impaired hearing
Neural Tube, Craniofacial, Fingernail hypoplasia, IUGR
Microcephaly, craniofacial, hypoplastic nails, Cardiac Defects, Mental Retardation, IUGR
Interferes with folate metabolism leading to neural tube defects
Preferred drug to use for siezure disorders in pregnancy because of high protien binding.
PTU is preferred because of reduced transfer to the placenta, although evidence may be lacking
Clear cell carcinoma of the vagina and mullerian abnormalities
Ebstiens anomaly (hypoplastic R ventricle)
Bone discoloration
-Hydrocephalus, fetal hemorrhage, occular nerve damage (blindness), bone abnormalities, aboirtion. Heparin preferred, doesn’t cross placenta because of charged nature
Crack baby will be small, addicted, and premature labor
-Placental Abruption
- Jitters, high pitched cry, fevers, diahhrea, runny nose, sneezing, vomiting, tachypnea
- Tx: methadone
Maternal Diabetes (not gestational)
- Caudal regression syndrome
- Transposition of the great vessels, PDA
- Neural Tube
Vitamin A
-Spontaneous abortions and cleft lip/palate
X Ray
Mental retardation and microcephaly
Dizygotic Twins
Two different fertalized eggs
-Dichorionic diamniotic
- Cleave bewteen 2 cell and morula (25%) diamniotic dichorionic
- Cleave between morula and blastocyst (75%) monochorionic diamnionic
- Cleave after leads to monochorionic and monoamniotic with late cleavage (13 days) leading to conjoined twins
Fetal portion is cytotrophoblasts (internal and propigate) and synctitotrophoblasts (external and secrete hCG)
Maternal portion is decidua basalis
Lacunae of blood lie in between
Internal cells that proliferate and give rise to syntitiotrophoblasts. In contact with fetal arteries
- External and come from proliferation of cytotrophoblasts
- In contact with lacunar blood
- Secrete hCG (common alpha with LH, TSH, etc) stimulates corpus luteum to secrete progesterone during first trimester
Decidua Basalis
- Maternal component of placenta
- Contains maternal arteies and veins which dump into lacunae and allow for nutrient exchange
Umbilical Cord
- 2 arteries (deoxygenated) and 1 vein (oxygenated)
- Allantoic Duct
Umbilical Arteries
-Come from internal illiac veins and carry deoxygenated blood from fetus
Umbilical Vein
-Comes from ductus venosus and carries oxygenated blood to inferior vena cava
Connects Yolk sac to urogenital sinus, eventually becomes urachus
Patent urachus
-excretition of urine out of umbilicus
vesicourachal diverticulum
-Diverticulum of bladder
Vitelline Duct
-Connects yolk sac to midgut
Vitelline Fistula
-Pass meconium through umbilicus
Meckels Diverticulum
- Partial obliteration with true diverticulum hanging off ileum.
- May have ectopic gastric or pancreatic tissue
- May lead to melena, pain, volvulus, ulcer
1st Aortic Arch
-Gives rise to maxillary artery, which gives rise to middle meningeal which is commonly injured leading to epidural hematoma
2nd aortic arch
Stapedial and hyoid artery
3rd Aortic Arch
Common Carotid and begining of internal carotid
4th Aortic Arch
Gives rise to arch of aorta and right subclavian
6th Aortic Arch
Gives rise to begining of pulmonary vasculature and ductus arteriosus
Branchial Aparatus
Pharyngeal Cleft: Ectoderm
Arch: Mesoderm
Pouch: Endoderm
1st cleft
Ectoderm, external acoustic meatus
2nd-4th clefts
Branchial Cleft Cyst
Failure to obliterate 2-4 arches leads to lateral neck cyst at birth
1st Arch
- Mesodermal
- V2 and V3
- Muscles of mastication
- Bones of Jaw
Treacher Collins
Failure of development of 1st arch and neural crest cells
-Leads to jaw hypoplasia and facial abnormalities
2nd Arch
-Mesodermal CN7
-Muscles of facial expression
-Some cartilage of lateral hyoid
3rd Arch
- Mesodermal CN9
- Stylopharyngeus
- Posterior tongue, carotid body and sinus
- Pharyngocutaneous fisutula is persistance of cleft and pouch
4th arch
- Mesodermal Superior Laryngeal Nerve X
- Pharyngeal constrictors and posterior tongue
- Cricothyroid
6th arch
- Mesodermal Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve
- Intrinsic muscles of larynx
- Posterior Cricoarytenoid is only pharyngeal constrictor that opens folds
Recurrent Laryngeal nerve injury
- Surgery (thyroid)
- Hoarsness and difficulty breathing
- Damage to posterior cricoarytenoid limits ability to abduct the chords
1st pouch
- endodermal
- Eustachian Tube and middle ear cavity
2nd pouch
Palatine tonsil
3rd pouch
Thymus and inferior PTH
4th pouch
Superior PTH
- Problems with NC and 3rd and 4th pouches
- Absent thymus, PTH
- leads to absent T cells, hypocalcemia
- Tetrology of Fallot
Cleft Lip
-Problem with fusion of maxillary prominence and medial nasal prominence
Cleft Palate
- Problem with fusion of lateral palatine and medial palatine and may also include nasal septum
- Associated with vitamin A, anti siezures
Paramesonephric Duct
- Mullerian duct, present in the female. Inhibited by MIF from sertoli cells
- Becomes fallopian tubes, upper vagina and uterus
Bicornate Uterus
- Improper fusion of the paramesonephric ducts
- Increased risk of miscarriages and unrinary anomalies
Mesonephric Duct
- Wolffian duct in males
- Maintained by testosterone
- Becomes Seminal Vesicles, epidydymis, ejculatory duct, and ductus deferens
-Portion of Y chromosome that encodes testes determining factor which induces sertolli cells to secrete MIF and Leydig cells to secrete testosterone
Sertolli Cell dysunction
-Leads to reduced MIF and maintenane of both internal strucutres
5 alpha reductase deficency
- End organ secretion that converts T to DHT
- Responsible for development of external genetailia and prostate
- Will show as ambigous or female external genetalia with male internal genetalia. At puberty spike in T will allow for appearane of external genetalia
- Urethra on the bottom of the penis caused by failure to close the uethral folds
- Increased risk for UTI
- Caused by misplacement of the genital tubercle
- Associated with extrophy of bladder and other urogenital abnormalities
Anchors testis to scrotum, disapears in male
-Is the round ligament and ovarian ligament in females
Processus vaginalis
- Location of testis descent
- Patent will cause hydrocele in male
- Obliterated in female
Blood Drainage
- Right gonadal diectly into IVC
- Left gonadal into Left Renal then to IVC
- Varicocele more common on left. (RCC-varicocele)
Para-aortic nodes
-Testis, ovaries
Superficial Inguinal Nodes
- External structures
- Scrotum, external vagina
Hypogastic/obturator nodes
- Internal female strucutres
- Uterus, cervix, tubes
Suspensory Ligament of Ovary
- Anchors ovary to pelvic wall.
- Contains ovarian vessels
Surgical risk of oophrectomy
-Ovarian vessels in suspensoy ligament lie near uretur, so ureter may be accitendally cut
Cardinal Ligament of Uterus
- Uterus to pelvic wall
- Contains uterine vessels
Round Ligament
- Uterus to labia majora
- Remnant of gubernaculum, becomes part of broad ligament. Continuation of Ligament of ovary (also gubernaculum)
Ligament of Ovary
- Remnant of gubernaculum, ovary to uterus, then continues in round ligament
- No real function, left over from gubernaculum
Broad Ligament
Contains many structures
Stratified non keratinized squamous epithelium of female tract
-External structures: Vagina and ectocervix
Columnar epithelium
-Internal structures: Endocervix, uterus, tubes