Reproduction/Sexual Health Flashcards
Gold standard investigation for endometriosis
Diagnostic laparoscopy
Treatment to prevent miscarriage in pt with anti-phospholipid syndrome
Low-dose aspirin and low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH)
19yr old P0+0
Sudden onset RIF pain
Feeling faint
HCG positive
Ectopic pregnancy
- inv bloods/G&S, US, FAST trans vaginal US
- manage medical/conservative/surgical/vacuum
19yr old P0+0
Sudden onset RIF pain
Nausea and vomiting
HCG negative
Ovarian torsion
- inv bloods/CRP/G&S, palpable mass on VE, US
- manage resus, laparoscopy, detorsion, cystectomy, oopherctomy
19yr old P0+0
Gradual onset RIF pain
Nausea and vomiting
HCG negative
Normal HR and BP
Rovsing’s positive
Raised WCC/CRP
Normal repro organs
- inv CT
- manage appendectomy
19yr old P0+0
Sudden onset RIF pain
Occurred after sexual intercourse
HCG negative
Cyst rupture
- inv bloods/CRP/G&S, peritonism, US
- manage conservative/resus, laparoscopy, lavage, oopherectomy
19yr old P0+0
Gradual onset lower abdominal pain
Intermenstrual and post coital bleeding
HCG negative
Normal HR & BP
- inv FBC/CRP/LFT, cervical motion tenderness, genital swabs
- manage 14 days metronidazole and doxycycline, STI counselling
Primary investigation for premature menopause (under 45)
Serum FSH
Management of HPV positive cytology on smear but no dysplastic changes
Repeat smear in 12 months, safety net in meantime
Which contraception would you advise in a young patient wanting period control and has migraine with aura?
Progesterone only method
Pt in 3rd trimester presents with severe abdominal pain, vomiting with a history of fibroids
Red dgeneration of fibroids
- the effect of oestrogen on fibroids late in pregnancy causes them to grow and blood vessels expand
- conservative management, reassure pt
Management of BV
Oral metronidazole
55 year old having sex with multiple partners, wants to have coil replaced, what do you recommend?
Advise barrier method of contraception
- hormonal control puts her at higher risk of cancer given her age
Management of gonorrhoea
IM ceftriaxone
16 year old, not started periods yet, normal ovaries and uterus on USS, what’s the likely diagnosis?
Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism
Management of PID
Ceftriaxone IM + doxycycline (+ metronidazole)
Ofloxacin + metronidazole
Essentially just make sure what you’re giving covers the organisms causing the PID
Bright red ring surrounding cervical os, assoc with post-coital bleeding
Cervical ectropion
Which method of delivery poses the lowest infection risk for an HIV+ patient with a viral load >50?
25 year old presents with heavy bleeding, pelvic pressure and palpable mobile mass in lower abdomen
Whirpool sign on USS
Ovarian torsion
Types of HPV most assoc with cervical cancer
16 and 18
Investigation to confirm diagnosis of PID
Endocevrical swab
Medical management of PCOS
Clomifene citrate
When should serum progesterone test be carried out in menstrual cycle to assess fertility?
7 days before end of cycle
e.g. day 21 in a 28 day cycle
e.g. days 25 in a 32 day cycle
How often should HIV+ patients be getting cervical smear tests after diagnosis?
- due to incr risk for HPV and thus cervical cancer
Contraindications to HRT
Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding
Oestrogen receptor-positive breast cancer
Acute liver disease
Uncontrolled hypertension
History of breast cancer or venous thromboembolism (VTE)
Recent stroke, myocardial infarction or angina
What substance is used during smear tests to visualise abnormal cells on the surface of the cervix?
Acetic acid
- appears bright white next to pink and healthy cervical tissue
For how long should patients beginning menopause after 50 continue to use contraception after their last period?
1 year after lastperiod
Pres of cystocele
Herniation of bladder into vagina
- stress incontinence, natural birth, anterior wall prolapse
Diagnosis of premature ovarian insuffieciency
- under the age of 40
- symptoms of menopause (eg. period cessation)
- two FSH measurements of >25 IU/l
What type of HRT in menopausal pts with continuing periods?
Monthly cyclical HRT
Primary amenorrhoea, no breast development, webbed neck, wide chest, recurrent ear infections as a child?
Turner syndrome (hypergonadotrophic hypogonadism)
Heavy menstrual bleeding assoc with fatigue, weight gain, constipation and cold intolerance?
Hypothyroidism can be a really common cause of this!!!!!
Mainstay treatment for ovarian cancer
Chemo (platinum) and surgery (bilat salpingooopherectomy)
Why does chemo not work in slow growing cancers e.g. low grade ovarian tumours?
Chemo only works on hyperactive and fast replicating cells
Tumour markers for young pt with ovarian cancer
AFP, LDH, HCG, Ca125
Endo thickness on TVUS at which to offer endo biopsy
When can fibroids cause bleeding in post-menopausal bleeding?
If pt on HRT, oestrogen stimulates the fibroids
Why does ovarian cancer cause build up of ascites?
Intense mesothelial irritation
Low protein causes fluid toleak out into abdo space
Meek syndrome pres
R sided pleural effusion, benign ovarian mass, ascites
- transudate tends to accumulate in R side
If individual is negative high risk HPV on routine smear, when is their next smear?
5 years
When is test of cure done after treatment of high grade cervical neoplasia?
Smear at 6 months
Gardasil 9 vaccine protects against which types of HPV?
Hormone findings in PCOS
Raised testosterone, low sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), raised luteinising hormone (LH) and normal follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
Menorrhagia, a bulky uterus on examination and a history of infertility are highly suggestive of?
Uterine fibroids
First line investigation for post-coital bleeding
Speculum exam and pelvic exam before anything else
Most common type of vulval cancer
Squamous cell carcinoma
Why is mefanamic acid used to manage dysmennhoroea and menorrhagia?
NSAID with anti-inflamatory function to reduce bleeding
It works by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis and is better tolerated than tranexamic acid
Ratio of LH to FSH in PCOS
Hormone levels in premature ovarian failure
Raised LH, raised FSH, low oestradiol levels
Pres of PID
Purulent vaginal discharge
Objective markers of infection and inflammation.
Can testosterone replacement cure male infertility?
No, because it does not act on sperm producing cells in the testes. Gonadotrophin therapy is required for this to happen.
Why is Mirena coil better option than COCP in patient with heavy menstrual bleeding which is not controlled by tranexamic acid?
mirena is local
fewer side effects
don’t have to remember to take pill
Diagnosis of premature ovarian insufficiency
Elevated serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels (>30 IU/l) on two samples taken 4–6 weeks apart
- woman under 40
- absence of periods for 12 months
Medical management of endo in a patient with Hx of DVT who smokes 20 cigarettes a day
When are corpus luteum cysts seen?
In early pregnancy when the corpus luteum fails to break down
Why might a post-menopausal patient wit systemic symptoms not require progesterone RT?
Pt will only need progesterone if they have a uterus
- there’s no risk of endo cancer if pt does not have a uterus to be affected by unopposed oestrogen
Right upper quadrant pain, associated with shoulder tip pain and Hx of untreated chlamydia?
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome
Mech of action of misoprostol
synthetic prostaglandin that encourages the expulsion of the products of conception.
Period of greatest teratogenic risk from drug exposure
4-11 weeks
Management of bleeding in anaemic women before surgeyr
- GnRH analogue that can be given prior to surgery to manage bleeding in anaemic women due to fibroids prior to surgery
Why do you get bloating in ovarian cancer?
cancer cells spread to peritoneum -> block lymphatic drainage -> ascites -> bloating
big ovaries -> mass effect -> less space in tummy for food
First line management uterine prolapse
Vaginal pessary
- rubber/plastic capsules that sit in vagina and essentially hold its shape
Mangement of pt who has missed 2 pills in a row in one pack and only remembered to take the 2nd one
Omit the 1st forgotten pill
Finish pack
Start new pack immediately (no pill-free break)
Decr visual acuity in HIV+ pt, fundoscopy shows spots within the retina, along with flame shaped haemorrhages.
CMV retinitis
- looks like pizza pie retina
- manage Intraocular Ganciclovir and PO Valganciclovir
Amsel criteria for BV
elevated vaginal pH, homogeneous discharge, positive whiff test, and presence of clue cells on wet mount.
Mech of action of doxycycline
Protein synthesis inhibition by blocking the 30S ribosomal subunit
Chancroid vs syphilis vs LV
Chancroid - Painful ulcer and tender lymphadenopathy
Syphilis - Painless ulcer and non-tender lymphadenopathy
Lymphogranuloma venereum - Painless ulcer and tender lymphadenopathy
Mangement of chancroid
Prescribe Ciprofloxacin and Ceftriaxone
Why are first babies unaffected by Rh status but second babies are?
- big antibody, can’t cross plaenta
- second babies, much smaller Ab
If Rh-ve mother is already sensitised to Rh+ve antibodies, would you give anti-D?
She’s already sensitised so anti-D won’t do anything to protect against haemolytic disease
How to manage Rh disease?
US to assess for signs of anaemia and blood flow to brain via MCA doppler
- baby will try to speed up blood flow to brain to compensate
- if doppler is elevated = baby is anaemic
Transfuse baby at foetal medicine unit in Glasgow
Normal foetal HR
Management of pt presenting with triad of 5% prepregnancy weight loss, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance
Oral promethazine/cyclizine
- pt has hyperemesis gravidarum
Folic acid amount for pregnant mothers with BMI 30 and above
Fetal symptoms of maternal rubella infection
Sensorineural deafness
Congenital cataracts
‘Blueberry muffin’ rash
Salt-and-pepper chorioretinitis
Management of gestational diabetes
<7mmoll Metfomin 00mg OD if lifestyle/diet measures don’t work
>7mmoll Isophane insulin injection OD in the morning
Why is sertraline used in PPD rather than fluoxetine in a breastfeeding part?
Sertraline has a low milk-to-plasma ratio.
Fluoxetine should be avoided due to its long half-life.
When is anti D given in first pregnancy if no exposing event?
a one-dose injection between 28 and 30 weeks of pregnancy
OR two doses of injections at 28 weeks and 34 weeks of pregnancy.
Management of itch in obstetric cholestasis
Ursodeoxycholic acid
When is category 1 C section indicated?
Immediate threat to the life of mother or baby and delivery should expedite immediately within 30 minutes
- e.g. cord prolapse
Testing for gestational diabetes in someone with a high risk factor
OGT between 24-28 weeks
When is first anti-D dose given?
28 weeks
- or I think any blood exposing event
Management asymptomatic post-natal anaemia
Oral ferrous fumarate 200mg OD
Define vasa praevia
Foetal blood vessels run through the free placental membranes, unprotected by the umbilical cord
The foetal blood vessels run across internal os
Presents dark red bleeding
Management of premenopausal women with oestrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer.
Strawberry cervix, foul smelling discharge and lower abdo tenderness?
Fever, sore throat, mouth ulcers and upon inspection it is noted there is a widespread maculopapular rash on chest?
HIV primary infection
Woody uterus
Placental abruption
Positioning of pt when cord prolapse occurs
Ask the patient to go on all fours, on knees and elbows
Presentation of Potter syndrome
Poor urine outflow and oligohydramnios causing pulmonary hypoplasia due to bilateral renal agenesis
Pres of acute fatty liver of pregnancy
Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, headache, jaundice, hypoglycaemia
- in severe cases, pre-eclampsia
Increased ALT above 500
Management malignant Phyllodes tumour
Clear margin excision
Lambert Eaton vs Myasthenia Gravis antibiodies
LE - Anti-voltage-gated Ca channel
MG - Anti-ACh
4 keymeasures to manage PPH (other than ABCDE etc)
Rub fundus
Oxytocin or other meds
Balloon (or suture, ligation, hysterectomy)
Why do you give magnesium sulfate in eclamptic seizures?
Terminates seizure, prevents further seizures
- protects parent and foetus