Reproduction chp 2 (2.9) Flashcards
how many bacteria, viruses, parasites can be transmitted sexually
more than 30
What can those bacteria, viruses, parasites caus
- infections
- infertility
- death
STD meaning
infections that are spread primarily through person-to-person sexual contact
Most common std’s
candida, yeast infection, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, pubic lice, genital herpes, genital warts, human imunodeficiency (HIV), hapatitis B infection
- abnormal discharge from uerthra
- abnormal bleeding in or from penis or vagina
- abnormal discharge from vagina
- pain in lower abdomen
- redness, sports, swelling on vagina/penis
viruses, bacteria, fungi, parastic animals, mother to child, pregnancy, childbirth, blood and tissue transfer
Do std’s have clear symptoms
no, 70% of women and portion of men don’t have any symptoms of chlamydia
- an infection with certain types of human papillpmavirus can lead to the development of genetical cancer
- when ur immune system doesn’t work properly: no longer prtocted agains bacteria, viruses and other agents that cause diseases
How many clinics are there in nl that u can get tested for std’s
over 50 clinics + they can hand out antibiotics or refer u to a hospital
Human immunodeficiency virus
- virus that causes the immune system to break down
- Causes AIDS
- person can be infected with it for years w/o knowing
- if not treated immune system becomes weak and all kinds of diseases build up
- transmitted by blood, semen, vaginal fluid, mother’s milk
- almost half od hiv infections occur from 15-24 yrs (unprotected sex)
Acquired Immune Deficiency
- AIDS is a name for a combination of diseases that a patient infected with HIV can get
- 1995 –> HIV blockers were discovered
- red ribbon (Dec 1st is world’s aids day)
a person taht is infected with HIV but has no symptoms yet
HIV blockers
- prevent virus from destroying the immune system:
It temporarily stops a seropositive prson from getting AIDS - very expensive
- HIV changes many times
- Vaccines have no effect on this changing virus
Blood infectipn (hiv/aids
- happen bc of transfusions with infected blood, sharing syringes (drugs), sharing razors
-very rare in nl
Bacterial std
chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea
Vrus std
Genital herpes/warts, AIDS, HIV