reproduction Flashcards
What are the divisions in spermatogenesis? How many N at each stage?
PGC -2N spermatogonia A -2N spermatogonia B -2N primary spermatocyte - 2N secondary spermatocyte -N round spermatid -N elongated spermatid - N spermatazoa -N
When does spermatogenesis occur in males? Which life stage?
post puberty.
What are the divisions in oogenesis? How many N at each stage?
When do these occur in a female? Life stages?
When are polar bodies excluded?
PGC -2n oogonia - 2n primary oocyte -2n - pre birth - pro I secondary oocyte -n - polar body - metII until ovulation. mature oocyte -n -polar body.
What is external fertilisation and what living things do this?
What is a good example of external fertilisation?
outside of the body - aquatic animals - fish.
What is internal fertilisation and what living things do this?
.sperm deposited directly inside usually female - nearly all mammals.
What is urchin reproductive strategy similar to? Why is it so easy to study them?
most mammals - they can be stimulated in lab to produce eggs and sperm easily.
Draw a sea urchin sperm and label
Draw a sea urchin oocyte and label
What happens when the sperm meets the oocyte?
- penetrates cumulus.
- binds to zona pellucida receptors causing acrosome reaction.
- penetrates zona pellucida and fuses with oocyte.
leads to cortical reaction - bona hardening.
What is the function of the acrosome?
contains enzymes used to digest through cumulus and zona pellucida/vitelline layer.
What is the acrosomal process made from? And what is its role?
contains enzymes used to digest through cumulus and zona pellucida/vitelline layer.
How do they avoid polyspermy? What are the problems with polyspermy?
- fast block = electrochemical block via influx of Na - temporary an d for externals only.
- urchin - secretion of a barrier of cortical granules
What is the role of the oocytes cortical granules?
How is the fertilisation envelope formed? What does it do?
What is the cortical reaction? How long does it take roughly?
Sketch a human sperm. How does this differ from the urchin?
Sketch a human oocyte. How does this differ from urchin?
Where in the repro tract does fertilisation occur?
Draw and label a female repro tract? Why is it so difficult for sperm to reach? What is the benefit of this?
What evidence is there that female tract “selects” sperm?
What are the steps of human fertilisation?
Apart from bringing genetic material, what other role does sperm have in fertilisation?
What is the role of sperm-egg recognition?
What ion is responsible for the fertilisation signal?
Until what stage in development is reproductive development the same for both sexes?
What arises in this time period?
What is gene is express after this period? Where is it in the genome?
What causes female gonad development?
What happens from week 7 in ovary development? Draw and label what this looks like
Where do the columns of cells come from?
How deeply to sex cord penetrate in females? What do they cluster around?
Where do vasculature and theca cells come from?
What ducts form the male repro system
What ducts form the female repro system (think of Muller yogurt – only women eat it)
Which duct remains in the default pathway?
When does oogenesis occur?
Draw a flow chart with the names of the different cells from germ to mature oocyte and spermatozoa. Label when mitosis and meiosis occur.
When does meiosis occur in males? In females?
Does complete meiosis occur at once in oogenesis?
In what stage is meiosis arrested? What is the name of this halt in meiosis?
When in meiosis 1 completed?
When is the second arrest?
When is meiosis 2 completed?
At what stage is oogenesis at birth? Spermatogenesis? (in other words which stages occur in utero)
- What is the female egg number at puberty?
- D
- 22.
How many eggs will be ovulated in a lifetime?
Are meiotic divisions symmetrical in oogenesis?
What is the byproduct of this meiotic division? What is the benefit of releasing these?
Where do oocytes develop?
What are the 2 types of somatic cells involved in oocyte development?
Describe folliculogenesis – the stages?
Describe the primordial follicle
When do these develop?
How long from the initiation of follicle development until ovulation? Is this dependent on the menstrual cycle?
Describe the primary follicle? What do the different cells look like? Is its development dependent on the menstrual cycle?
Describe the formation of the zona pellucida. Describe its structure. What is the ZP important for?
Describe the secondary follicle. Is this dependent on the menstrual cycle?
Describe the tertiary follicle. Is this dependent on the menstrual cycle? What happens in the tertiary follicle?
How many dominant follicles are there at one time?
Sketch the structure of an ovary
What hormones are involved? Where are each of these secreted? What are their roles?
What is the name of the axis that describes the hormones interaction with the gonads?
What are the 2 types of somatic cells in the follicle? What are their roles?
What is the name of the hypothesis that describes how these cells release their hormones?
Sketch the cells and the hormones they release and how they interact
What hormones control the output of these cells? What effect do these hormones have?
What are the 2 main ovarian hormones?
What is the role of oestrogens?
What is the role of progesterone?
Sketch how hormone levels change across the female menstrual cycle and mark where ovulation occurs
What days in the cycle is menstruation?
What days are the preovulatory phase? Periovulatory?
What occurs in the follicular/proliferative phase? _____ secretes ________. In response _____ secretes ______. Up to ______ follicles are rescued. ______ and ______ cells develop in follicles and produce _______ hormone. This thickens the _______ and thins __________. Oestrogen supresses ______ production by the _____________.
Granulosa in the dominant follicle express what receptor?
What causes the LH surge? What releases the LH?
When is meiosis 1 completed?
When does meiosis 2 begin? And at what stage is it arrested in?
What changes occur in the oocyte structure at this stage?
What is the cumulus oophorus?
What is the stigma? And what happens to it on ovulation?
What picks up the cumulus-oocyte complex? At what time period does this occur?
What is the luteal phase? What is a corpus luteum?
What are theca cells?
What happens to the endometrium during the luteal phase? What type of feedback occurs here and what hormones does it involve?
What hormone is produced when pregnant and by what cells? What receptor on what cells does this bind to? What does this hormone do?
What hormones are produced to support pregnancy?
What hormones supress ovulation?
From what stage in pregnancy does the placenta take over these roles?
What happens in the repro tract if NOT pregnant? What hormone is not produced? What happens to the corpus luteum? What is it then called?
What happens to progesterone and oestrogen levels?
What hormone leaves to breakdown of the endometrium
What is different about the estrous cycle of humans and some primates?
What occurs in other animals?
Define gonads
Define gamete?
Define germ cell?
> .
What are the precursors to germ cells
Up until what age are female and male gonad development the same?
The presence of _______ leads to testes formation
____ _____ ______ = controller gene for testes
formation also known as _____ gene
What happens to female mice with SRY gene? What gonads do they develop?
What happens in week 7 of testes development. Columns of cells from _____________ proliferate and penetrate ___________ (deeply or shallowly?)
Sketch and label what this looks like
What cells form the vasculature? Where do they migrate from?
What are leydig cells?
What makes up a testes?
Where are the prospermatogonia?
Where is the vasculature and leydig cells?
When does SRY stop being expressed
What are sertoli cells? What do they produce?
What do leydig cells produce? What is the effect of this?
What are the 2 testis comparments and what are the 2 things produced by post pubertal testis?
What is the name of the barrier protecting the testis from blood borne chemicals? Where is this? What junctions link ______ cells to eachother?
When does this barrier develop?
What are the 2 functions of this barrier?
What are the 3 phases of spermatogenesis?
When are prospermatogonia reactivated? Where do they undergo mitosis?
What are the spermatogonial stem cells called?
What are the names of the sperm at each stage of the proliferation process?
Where does the primary spermatocyte move to? What does this need to pass through?
sperm - Where does it undergo its first meiotic division? What does this form?
sperm - What stage is also known as differentiation?
What structural change occurs at differentiation?
What is the acrosome?
sperm - What is the function of the flagellum? How does it work?
sperm - What is the function of mitochondria? How does it work?
What is the function of the nucleus in sperm? How is this different from normal cell nuclei?
Describe the cytoplasm
How long does this whole process take in humans?
What is the name of the gonad-hormonal axis?
Give an example of a regulatory facto that gonads produce
What is the type of feedback loop in male? How does this differ from female?
What hormone is produced from where at puberty? What physical factors is this dependent on?
What does LH do?
What does FSH do?
What produces androgens? What is it converted to and by what? Where does it bind?
What is the name of the cytokine produced by sertoli cells? What is its effect?
How long is the path compared to a sperm? How many make the journey?
Where do the sperm mature?
What is capacitation and where does this occur?
What is the path the sperm take?How much of the fluid is reabsorbed?
How long does sperm passage take?
What is the role of the epididymis in maturation? What are the sections called? What is the function of each section?
How does the human cauda compare to other animals? What is the consequence of this?
What is the roe of the vas deferens?
What are the components of semen? How many ml?
What is seminal plasma and where is it produced? What is its role?
What are the seminal vesicles and what do they produce?
What is the prostate and what does it produce?
What is the bulbourethral glad (also known as ?) and what does it produce?
What happens to the semen when it enters the female tract?
What are spermatheca?
How long can sperm survive in the female tract?