Repro Flashcards
GnRH secretion over lifetime
Puberty-pulsation LH>FHS
Pulsation administration vs long acting gnrh administration
Puberty and reproductive function
No work
Where are sertoli and leydig
Sertoli in seminiferous tubule
Leydig interstitial between tubules
Describe testis
80% seminiferous tubules 20% ct with leydig
17b hydroxysteroid DH
Androstenedione to testosterone
End product of steroid synthesis in testis vs adrenal
Shea and androstenedione
Where is 5a reductase
Estrogen in male
From sertoli for spermatogenesis
Most liver from testosterone nad androstenedione
Rate limiting step in testosterone synthesis
Conversion of cholesterol to pregneloone
How get t from in leydig to periphery
In seminiferous tubule bound to abp
Carrier to periphery by SHBG and albumin
Testerosterone in fetal
Penis scrotum
Epididymis, vas def, seminal vesicles
Descent of testis-CRYPTORCHIDISM
No testosterone
Clit and vag
No testosterone last 2-3 months of preg with boy
Testosterone receptor
Nuclear ar receptor
LH receptor
Camp pka pathway
Fsh receptor
Camp pka gs
Does testosterone get converted to estradiol in Sertoli cell
Yup by aromatase
Supportive function of Sertoli cells
Blood testis barrier
Transfer of nutrients from blood to sperm
Exocrine Sertoli cells
Production of fluid
Release sperm
Endocrine sertoli
Abp, t, and fsh receptors
Make amh
Aromoatzation of t to estradiol
Make inhibiton
Gh spermatogenesis
Promotes early division of sperm, without it spermatogenesis I is absent and infertile
When does sperm production start
How get erection
Parasympathetic nerves innervation the vascular sm of he helicon arteries that supply blood to the cavernous spaces release NO which activates Gc to increase cGMP to decrease intracelllular ca and relax vascular sm
Vasodilation and engorged tissue presses the veins against a non compliant outer fascia, reducing Venus drainage
Somatic stimulation increases contraction of muscles at the base of the penis
From epididymis to ejaculatory duct
Peristaltic contractions SM and closing internal sphincter of bladder
Rhythmis contraction of bulbs spongiosum and ischiocavernous muscles (striated)
Somatic motor nerves
Capacitation of sperm
Come in contact with fluids of female tract
- uterine and Fallopian tubes wash away inhibitory factors
- loss of cholesterol that build up on the acrosome, which now make the head of the sperm weaker
- membrane of the perm is much more permeable to ca increases the motility of the sperm
What is in the acrosome
Hyaluronidase and proteolytic enzymes
Depolymerizes hyaluronic acid polymers int he intercellular cement that hold the ovarian granulosa cells together
The proteolytic enzymes digest proteins in the structural elements of tissue cells that adhere to the ovum
No testosterone 2-3 month gestation
Carrying degrees of ambiguity of male generalize and get pseudohermaphrodism
3rd trimester t defiency
Cryptoorchidism and micirpenis
Puberty no t
Poor secondary development and eunuchoid features
—keep prepubescent characteristics
Post puberty no t
No libido, ED, no hair, low energy
Genetic disorder when GnRH neurons fail to migrate into the hypothalamus during embryonic development
-delayed or absent puberty and impaired sense of smell
Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
Extra z
At puberty dont get normal testicular growth and spermatogenesis
Androgen low, FSH LH high, primary hypogonadism
Seminiferous blues destroyed
Effect of klinefelter
Primary hypogonadism decreased t
Pituitary tumor decrease lh fsh
Low t
Decrease gnrh
Not more dht, butmore dht receptors
Granulosa cells
Inhibit fhs
Granulosa cells stimulate fsh
Estrone converted to estradiol
17b hsd
Estrogen negative feedback vs progesterone
Estrogen low and high
Progesterone high
Positive feedback estrogen
Also get from progesterone during late follicular phase
Er and progestin receptors
Progestin and er
Progesterone stimulates 17b hsd and sulfotrasferase
Conversion estradiol to weaker compounds
Progesterone promotes the differentiation of stromal cells int ____ cells which must be prepared to form ___
Predecidual cells
Most common cause of infertility
Hyperandrogenism, anovulation, polycystic ovary
Abnormal ovarian steroidigenesis and folliculogenesis
Blood value pocs
Up lh low fsh up t
Young obese hirsute females of reproductive age; oligomenorrhea amenorrhea
High androgens promotes atresia in developing follicles and sit-ups feedback
SERMs attaches to
Zone pellucida with sperm Zp3 interaction
Acrosome reaction
Ca in sperm triggers fusion of outer acrosome membrane wit the sperm cells plasma membrane and results in the exocytosis of most of the acrosome contents
Penetrate zone pellucida
Cell membrane of sperm fuses with what
What does fusion trigger
Oocytes 2nd meritocracy division and cortical reaction
How get 2nd metic division and cortical reaction
Increase ca in oocyte
Exocytosis of cortical granules
Exocytosis of granules that act on glycoproteins in zone pellucida and cause them to harden
Prevents polyspermy
Sperm nucleaus decondenses and transforms into the male pronuclesu
Fuse to make zygote
16 cell 3 d
Day four and 5
How implant
Trophoblast secrete protease that digest the outlet lying zone pellucida-hatched blastocyst is Abe to adhere to and implant into receptive uterine endometrium
What do trophoblast diffferentiate into
Cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophobast
Cyto and syncytial
Inner c
Outer syn
Rapidly proliferating
Adhesive, invasive, endocrine
Secrete LH like HcF
Make progesterone
Phagocytosis and transfer nutrients
Response of maternal cells to progesterone
Endometrial stroma is transformed into enlarged and glycogen filled decidusal cells
Endometrium ready for implantation
-forms an epithelial like sheet with adhesive junctions that inhibit migration of the implanting embryo
What three structures make up placenta
Chorionic villi, intervillous space, decidua basalis
Chorionic villi
Functional unit, branching for maternal fetal exchange
Spiral arteries drain int what
Intervillous space
Hcg max
1st trimester
Human placental lactose
Increase throughout pregnant
By sybcytiotrophoblasts
Binds lh receptor Langer HL
Maintain CL during first 10 weeks
What causes nausea pregnant
HCG cicnrease
From syncytiotrophoblasts
Similar to GH and prolactin
Detected by 10 days in serum
Has antagonistic action to insulin, contributing to diabetogenecity of pregnancy
Diabetogenic pregnant
Ubcrease glucose availability by inhibiting maternal glucose uptake
Lipolytic help mom shift to use of FFA
DHEAS from fetal zone
Converted by syncytiotrophoblasts to estradiol and estrone or estriol
Increase blood flow, enhance LDL receptor in syncytrophoblast, induce prostagladins and oxytocin receptors and mammary Gand
Can the placenta make estrogen and progesterone
Assist by mom and fetus
Why uterus quiet during pregnancy
Progesterone and relaxin
When give birth
40 weeks after last menstrual period
38 weeks after fertilization
Estrogen role parturition
Increase uterine contractility
Stimulates synthesis of oxytocin receptors
Initiate labor
Increase in parturition
PGF1a and PGE 2 increase uterine motility; rage doses induce labor
Uterine stretch stimulates
Prostagladin production
Uterus contract after fetus born
Increase prostagladins
Quiet during preg
Relaxin increase labor
Soften and dilates cervix
Fetal pituitary
Secretes quantities of oxytocin which excite uterus
Fetal adrenals
Cortisol uterine stimulant
Fetal placental
Increase intensity of uterine contractions
Positive feedback of labor
Prostagladins and OT sustain uterine contractions stimulate prostagladin release,
Uterine activity stretches the cervic, thus stimulating OT release through Ferguson reflex
Comes out during preg
Yellow milks like substance first few days after birth, high Ig
Prl on mammary
Promote growth
Initiate milk secretion maintain milk production
Four effects of suckling
- crying kid activates
- dopamine release inhibited
- spinal cord neurons stimulate production and release of oxytocin from posterior pituitary
- spinal cord neurons inhibit the arcuate and preoptic area of hypothalamus causing a fall in gnrh production -inhibits ovarian cycle