Renal Flashcards
Organic anions
Protein (albumin) levels are highest in the _ and _ compartments
Are membranes permeable to proteins
Oncotic (colloid osmotic) pressure
Pressure generated by large molecules (like proteins) in solution that are impermeable to membranes
How are ICF and ISF measured
Inulin, Na, thiosulfate
Plasma volume
I-albumin, Evans blue dye
Interstitial fluids
What drives ECF osmolality
Na and Cl
Na vasculature __ Na interstitial fluid ___ Na due to action of NaKATPase
> >
What causes increased ICF (Na)
Disrupted pump activity (hypoxia
Where Na goes water follows
ICF osmolality is driven by
ECF osmolality controls _ volume
Water enters of leaves ECF rapidly to balance osmolality of ECF and ICF
Osmotic equilibrium
Movement of water across cell membranes from higher to lower concentration as a result of osmotic pressure differences across that membrane
Osmotic presssure exerted across a membrane by a substance is also due to that membrane being impermeable to that substance
Mean forces tend to move fluid __
Total outward force
Plasma colloid osmotic pressure (28mmHg)
Total inward force
Outward (28.3)
Inward (28
What are the pressures
Mean capillary pressure (17.3)
Negative interstitial free fluid pressure (3)
Interstitial fluid colloid osmotic pressure (8)
How is ECF a reservoir
All water an solutes must pass through the ECF first
First calculate ECF then ICF
All solutes and water that enter or leave the body do so via ECF
ICF and ECF are in osmotic equilibrium
Equilibration occurs primarily by shifts of water, not solutes
> 146
Hyper and hyponatremia is a __ problem
What maintains the fluid distribution between plasma and ISF
Balance of hydrostatic and osmotic forces across capillaries
What determines ECF and ICF fluid distribution
Osmotic effect of small solutes across cell membranes
Solutions that have the same osmolality as the ECF
When added to ECF, osmolality does not change , only the volume
Osmolality greater than the ECF
When added to the ECF , osmolality increases and pulls water from the ICF into the ECF, resulting in an increase in ECF volume and a decrease in ICF volume
Osmolality less than ECF
When added to ECF, osmolality decreases and water moved out of the ECF and into the ICF to equilibration. ECF and ICF volumes both increase
What give if want to dilute ECF and rehydrate cells
Hypotonic .45 salient
What administer if want to replace fluid loss and expand intravascular volume
Isotonic solution normal saline
What administer to treat severe hyponatremia
Hypertonic solution
3% saline
Prostagladins are protective of __
Prostagladins as buffers
Vasoconstriction effects of SNS/RAAS (the built in safety mechanism)
How do prostagladins with
Inhibits K channels in TAL, increasing Cl, impeding turnover of Na K 2 Cl channels, reducing NaCl reabsorption
NSAIDS and prostagladins
Interfere with PGE2 action, leading to Na retention
What kind of patient careful to give NSAIDS
Hypertensive patients, renal stenosis, patients on diuretics
Angiotensin II effect on RBF
ANP effect on RBF and GFR
Increase increase
Prostagladins effect on RBF and GFR
Increase increase
Sympathetic stimulation leads to what
Na K ATPase increase Na reabsorption at tubular epithelial cells
RAAS juxtaglomerular granular cells*mainly
Powerful vasoconstriction : afferent>efferent arteriole a1 adrenoceptors
Immediate effects of sympathetic stimulation
Stimulates renin secretion by the granular cells
Angiotensin II exerts thirst
Angiotensin II restores systemic blood pressure via vasoconstriction
Angiotensin II preferentially acts on efferent arteriolar
Stimulates Na reabsorption in PCT and DCT
GFR is stabilized
Systemic blood pressure is raised
Eventually sympathetic stimulation
Decreased urinary output
Decreased urinary Na excretion
Increased water intake
Acute Sympathetic activation effect on RBF, GFR, renin, Na reabsorption in proximal tubule
Chronic effect of sympathetic activation RBF, GFR, renin, Na reabsorption in proximal tubule
Afferent arteriole-vasodilation Prostagladins Bradykinin NO Dopamine ANP
RBF, GFR, peritubular capillary hydrostatic pressure
Increase increase increase
Afferent arteriole vasoconstriction
RBF, gfr, peritubular capillary hydrostatic pressure
Decrease, decrease, decrease
Efferent arteriole vasodilation
RBF, gfr, peritubular capillary hydrostatic pressure
Increase, decrease, increase
Efferent arteriole vasoconstriction
Angiotensin II
RBF GFR peritubular capillary hydrostatic pressure
Increase (sideways)
What promotes renin secretion
Renal sympathetic stimulation directly stimulate renin via B1 receptor activation in JG apparatus
Decrease NaCl delivery to the macula densa stimulates renin
Afferent arteriolar vasoconstriction leads to decreased pressure at the granular cells, which stimulates renin secretion
What inhibits renin secretion
Increase Na and Cl reabsorption across the macula densa
Increased afferent arteriolar pressure
Angiotensin II(neg feedback)
What does angiotensin II stimulate
Renal arteriolar constriction (efferent>afferent)
Na reabsorption in PT (via Na H exchanger)> TAL and CCD
ADH secretion from posterior pituitary
Aldosterone secretion from adrenal cortex
Angiotensin II causes what
Vasoconstriction, increased thirst, increased aldosterone secretion
What does vasoconstriction lead to
Increased peripheral resistance and increase in systolic and diastolic bp
What does increased thirst lead to
Increased water intake, increased blood volumes, increased CVP, increased CO and increase in systolic and diastolic blood pressure
What does increase in aldosterone cause
Increased renal retention of salt and water Increased in blood volume Increase in CVP Increase in CO Increase in systolic blood pressure
Angiotensin II preferentially ____ the efferent arteriole, but __ the afferent arteriolar
Angiotensin II effect on arterioles
Increase afferent and efferent arteriolar resistance
What does increase afferent and efferent arteriolar resistsance cause
Decrease renal blood flow
Increased filtration fraction
Decreased capillary hydrostaticpressure
What does increased filtration fraction lead to
Increased peritubular capillary colloid osmotic pressure
What does increased peritubular capillary colloid osmotic pressure and decreased peritubular capillary hydrostatic pressure
Increased proximal Na reabsorption —>decreased excretion and H2O
What does decreased casa recta flow lead to
Decreased washout of urea from medullary interstitial->increased urea, decreased Na in medullary interstitial->increased gradient for passive NaCl reabsorption by the thin ascending limb of henna->increased loop of henna Na reabsorption->decreased Na excretion and H2O excretion
Action of aldosterone
Increases the synthesis of Na K ATPase in the basolateral membrane of the distal tubal
Overall result is an increase in Na reabsorption and an increase in K excretion
Steps of aldosterone
- combines with a cytoplasmic receptor
- hormone receptor complex initiates transcription in the nucleus
- Translation and protein synthesis makes new protein channels and pumps
- Aldosterone induced proteins modulate existing channels and pumps
- Results is increased Na reabsorption and K secretion
Actions of aldosterone
Increases the synthesis and activity NaK ATPase in the basolateral membrane of the distal tubule
Increases synthesis and activity of epithelial Na channels in apical membrane
Overall Na reabsorption and K excretion
Aldosterone also stimulates tubular secretion of H
The apical membrane of a intercalated cells contain two transporters that secrete H into the tubular fluid:
Increase Na reabsorption
Increase K secretion
Increase H secretion
Increased activity of __ is the first of four parallel pathways that correct a low effective circulating volume
Filtered load of Na=
=25200 mEq/day
Want a consent amount of Na to be delivered to the distal tubules
Distal tubule fine tunes concentration to match dietary intake
Na reabsorption in late DT and CD
Principal cells-Na and H20 reabsorption and K secretion
Responsible for fine adjustments in tubular fluid Na concentration
Early proximal tubule-Na reabsorption
Na uptake across the apical membrane is coupled with movement of another molecule
-reabsorbed primarily with HCO3(not Cl), glucose, aa, Pa and lactate
Reabsorbed in exchange for H or organic solutes
Peritubular capillary symporters
Na glucose
Na aa
Na Pi
Na into peritubular capillary
Peritubular capillary antiporters
Na H
Na organic solutes
Na into peritubular capillary
Reabsorption of Na in proximal tubule is driven by
NaK ATPase
Early proximal tubules Na reabsorption
NaK ATPase pumps Na into the ISF outside basolateral membrane and is absorbed into the peritubular capillary
Late proximal tubules Na reabsorption
Na uptake across the apical membrane is coupled with Cl
-reabsorbed primarily with Cl (transcellular)
-required operation of parallel transports happening simultaneously
-NaH antiporter
-Cl-base antiporter
Bases=formate oxalate and bicarbonate
Driven by NaK ATPase
Late proximal tubules Na reabsorption
NaKAPTase pumps Na into the ISF outside basolateral membrane and is absorbed into the peritubular capillary. Cl crosses basolateral membrane via Cl channels
Reabsorption still driven by NaK ATPase
Loop of Henley thin descending segment
Water permeable
NaCl remains in tubules-concentrates during descent
Loop of Henley ascending limb
Thin and thick segment
Water impermeable
NaCl is reabsorbed in tubule
Dilutes during ascent
Thick ascending limb
NaKATPase maintains low intracellular
Favors movement of Na from lumen into cell via NaK2Cl co transporter and NaH countertransporter
Luminal electrochemical gradient favors movement of other positively charged ions out of the tubule
Passive leakage of K and Cl
Distal tubules early segment
Continuation of TAL
Juxtaglomerular apparatus
Reabsorbs Na Cl and Ca
Water impermeable
Distal tubule late segment
Principal cells(Na reabsorption, K secretion…water reabsorption)
Intercalated cells (acid base balance)
Continues into collecting duct
Early segment DT
NaKATPase maintains low intracelllular, favoring movement of Na into cell via NaCl cotransporter
Cl leaks out
Impermeable to water
Late segment DT principle cells
NaKATPase maintains low intracellularNa, moving K into the cell
Na K and Cl diffuse down their concentration gradients
Aldosterone antagonsits DT
(Eplerenone more specific than spironolactone)
Stop renal interstitial
Na channel blockers DT
Stop luminal Na in
PT water
67% filtered that’s reabsorbed
Passive osmosis
No hormones that regulate water permeability
LOH water
15% filtered that’s reabsorbed
Passive osmosis (descending thin)
No hormones
Early distal tubules water
0% filtered that’s reabsorbed
Late distal tubule and collecting duct water
8-17% filtered that’s reabsorbed
Passive osmosis
Water transport is __-
Proximal tubules Na
67% filtered that’s reabsorbed
Primary and active transport
35% filtered that’s reabsorbed
Secondary active transport
5% filtered that’s reabsorbed
Primary and secondary active transport
Collecting duct Na
3% filtered that’s reabsorbed
Primary active transport
Water and chloride __ sodium
What increases ADH
Increase plasma osmolality
Decrease bp
Decrease blood volume
What decreases ADH
Decrease plasma osmolality
Increase bp
Increase blood volume
What increases thirst
Increased plasma osmolality
Decrease bp
Decrease bv
Increase angiotensin II
Dryness of mouth
What decreases thirst
Decreased plasma osmolality
Increase bp
Increase bv
Decrease angiotensin II
Gastric distension
Integrated response to volume expansion
GFR increases
Reabsorption of Na decreases int he proximal tubule and loop of henle
Na reabsorption decreases in the distal tubule and collecting duct
Water excretion follows
What stimulates renin release in integrated response to ECV
Decreased bp (JGA)
Decreased NaCl delivery to the macula densa (NaCl sensor)
Decreased renal perfusion pressure (renal baroreceptors)
Actions of angiotensin II in integrated response to decreased ECV
Increase aldosterone
Vasoconstriction efferent arteriole
Enhances NaH exchange (promotes Na reabsorption
Stimulates thirst and ADH release
Sympathetic in integrated response to decreased ECV
Increase renal vascular resistance
Increased Na reabsorption
Enhances renin release (via JG cells)
Major factor controlling ADH release in plasma osmolality
1% decrease in plasma osmolarity
5-10% decrease in ECV
ANP is __ in integrated response to decreased ECV
Integrated response to decreased ECV
GFR decreases
Na reabsorption by the proximal tubule and loop of henle is increased
Na reabsorption by the distal tubule and collecting duct is enhanced
Water reabsorption