Representation Theories Flashcards
What Key Ideas Behind Representation Theory?
- Stereotyping reduces people to a few traits
-Representation is the product of meaning though language and is governed by codes
Who Invented The Representation Theory?
Stuart Hall
What Key Ideas Behind The Identity Theory?
-Media Products provide us with tools that we use to construct our identities.
-Media Products have now become more diverse.
Who invented the Identity Theory?
David Gauntlett
What Key Ideas Behind Van Zoonen Feminist Theory?
-Gender is a “Constructed though discourse and it depends on context
-Objectification of woman is a core element of western patriarchy.
-Visual and narrative codes for male body differ from a females Body.
What Key Ideas Behind Bell Hook’s Feminist Theory?
-Feminism is a struggle to end sexist / patriarchal oppression.
-Feminism is a political commitment rather than a lifestyle choice.
-Race, class, and sex decide the extent to which people are exploited/oppressed.
What Key Ideas Behind The Gender Performativity?
-Identity is performatively constructed by the very “expressions” that are said to be its results.
-No gender identity behind the expressions of gender.
-Performativity is not a singular act, but a repetition and a ritual.
Who invented the gender performativity theory?
Judith Butler
What Key Ideas Behind The Racial stereotypes theory?
There are 4 types of representation of the black community within western media:
-The Exotic
-The Dangerous
-The Pitied
-The Humorous
Who invented the Racial Stereotypes Theory?
Manuel Alvarado