Industry Theories Flashcards
What Key Ideas Behind The Power & Media Theory?
-The Media is controlled by a small number of firms driven by profit & power.
-Media concentration limits variety, creativity & quality
-Diverse patterns of ownership = more adventurous productions.
Who invented the Power & Media Theory?
Curran & Seaton
What Key Ideas Behind The Regulation Theory?
-Struggle to sustain a balance of regulation between Citizens and Consumers.
-Increasing power of global media + the rise of convergent technologies = traditional regulation at risk
Who invented the Regulation Theory?
Livingstone & Lunt
What Key Ideas Behind The Cultural industries theory?
-Cultural industries minimise risk & maximise audience through vertical and horizontal integration & formatting of products.
-Conglomerates operate across many industries.
Who are invented the Cultural Industries theory?
David Hesmondhalgh