Representation Flashcards
The way in which the media ‘represents’ people and the world around us.
Feminist Theory
Belief that women and men should be given = rights, but that society is currently structured so that women aren’t = to men.
Male Gaze (Laura Mulvey)
Mainstream Hollywood narrative films represent women as passive objects of male sexual desire. The male characters are ‘bearers of the look’.
Teenage Femininity (Angela McRobbie)
Magazines construct a conservative ideology of femininity for girls aged 10-14 predicated on their future roles of wives and mothers.
Belief that men and women are fundamentally different in terms of their skills, preferences and behaviours.
Social construction
The belief that masculine and feminine behaviours are constructed by society and not by nature.
A genuine example on which other copies are based eg. the rebel, villain.
A positive stereotype.
What are the newspapers that we study in representation?
- The Times
- The Mirror
What are the video games that we study in representation?
- Lara Croft Go
- Kim Kardashian- Hollywood
What is the online, social and participatory media product that we study in representation?
What are the magazines that we study in representation?
- Tatler
- Reveal
What are the adverts that we study in representation?
- Galaxy
- Represent- NHS
What are the television products that we study in representation?
- Dr Who - An Unearthly Child
- Class- Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart
The selection and omission of information when creating a media product.
Moral Panic (Stanley Cohen)
Impact on society when mass media play an active role in stereotyping a person, group, or issue as a threat to the accepted norms, values, and interests of society.
Fake News
Information that appears to be genuine but is actually untrustworthy, false, and/or damaging.
Using the media to promote a biased viewpoint.
A shared set of beliefs and ideas about what is right and wrong.
Cultural Hegemony
The process of making people see the beliefs and values of the most powerful group as being natural and common sense.
Something claimed to be ‘objective’ will be supported by hard evidence.
Information that is based on individual interpretation or opinion.
A prejudice for or against a particular group or individual.
Benefits of stereotypes
- Convey meaning quickly
- Impose power over a group
- Present or construct shared cultural values
- Make a particular point
- Increase sales
Disadvantages of stereotypes
- Doesn’t recognise individual differences
- Compounds stereotypical ideas