Renal Week 1 Flashcards
Describe the anatomy of the kidney:
- retroperitoneal organ on the posterior abdominal wall
- LH kidney slightly higher than RHS due to absence of liver
- superior pole at level of 11/12th ribs
- inferior pole found 1cm above iliac crest level
- moves 2/3cm vertically during respiration
- cortex, medulla, renal papilla, minor calyx, major calyx, renal pelvis, hilum
- COVERINGS: renal capsule, perirenal fat, renal fascia (Gerota’s fascia), pararenal fat
- LYMPH: drained by lateral aortic nodes at level of renal arteries
- BLOOD: renal arteries branch off aorta at level L1/2
- right renal artery longer than left
- renal veins drain into IVC, L vein longer than R vein
What is the renal sinus?
Renal pelvis + minor calyces + major calyces + nerves and vessels
Describe the branching system of the renal artery:
renal artery -> interlobular artery -> arcuate artery -> afferent arteriole -> efferent arteriole -> vasa recta
Describe the anatomy of the nephron:
- 80% of nephrons are cortical and 20% are juxtamedullary
- tubule of nephron lined by single layer of epithelial cells
- common BM in bowman’s capsule between the glomerular artery epithelium and bowman’s capsule
- endothelium of glomerular capillaries is fenestrated and covered in a -ve charged glycoprotein called podocalyxin, also covered by podocyte cells with cytoplasmic extensions called pedicles which are vital for filtration
- mesangial cells found between loops of glomerular capillaries and they contract/relax allowing the artery diameter to be altered
Describe the epithelium and physiology at the PCT:
- simple cuboidal epithelium
- many mitochondria for ATP pumps
- ~14mm long
- 100% glucose and amino acids reabsorbed by facilitated diffusion
- 90% bicarbonate
- 70% NaCl and water
- some K
- urea secreted into tubule
Describe the epithelium and physiology at the thin descending LOH:
- simple SQUAMOUS epithelium
- few mitochondria and no active transport
- the longer the LOH the more concentrated the urine can become
- permeable to water
- 25% NaCl and water reabsorbed
Describe the epithelium and physiology at the thick ascending LOH:
- simple cuboidal epithelium
- insoluble to water
- active transport of solutes out of tubule into interstitium increases the solute concentration of interstitial fluid
- NKCC2 pump brings Na, K and 2 x Cl into tubule so Na can be removed again by ATP pump
Describe the epithelium and physiology at the DCT:
- simple cuboidal epithelium
- 5% NaCl and H2O reabsorption
- many mitochondria and ATP pumps
- NCC channel brings Na and 2 x Cl into the tubule to be removed again by ATP pump
Describe the epithelium and physiology at the collecting tubules:
- simple cuboidal epithelium
- ENaC channel (epithelial sodium channel) allows Na to enter the tubule so it can be removed again by ATP pump
- ALDOSTERONE binds to corticosteroid receptors here causing upregulation of ENaC channels
Describe the epithelium and physiology at the collecting duct:
- simple cuboidal epithelium
- ~1mm long
- 2 cell types:
- > principle cells = pale cytoplasm, short microvilli, reabsorb Na/H2O and secrete K
- > intercalated cells = dark cytoplasm, many mitochondria, secrete H and reabsorb HCO3, important in acid base balance
- ADH acts here causing insertion of AQP channels on basolateral membrane and allowing H2O to diffuse out and concentrate the urine
Describe the counter-current multiplier mechanism:
- uses energy to create an osmotic gradient allowing H2O reabsorption from tubular fluid and for concentrated urine to be produced
- NaCl is actively transported out of the thick ascending limb by NKCC2 pump. This limb is impermeable to water.
- the Na and Cl and other ions gather in the interstitial fluid which becomes hyperosmotic
- fluid then moves down the descending LOH and out into the interstitium down a concentration gradient. The thin descending LOH is permeable to water.
- As fluid is constantly entering the nephron, the fluid gets pushed down the descending LOH and becomes more concentrated further down the loop
- the longer the loop the more concentrated urine can be produced
- the blood flow through the vasa recta is in the opposite direction so as not to wash away the gradient
Which side is the apical membrane?
Faces the lumen
Which side is the basolateral membrane?
Faces the blood / interstitium
Describe the anatomy and function of the juxtaglomerular apparatus:
- is a specialisation of the afferent arteriole and the DCT
- macula densa = group of cells in the DCT that are sensitive to tubular fluid content or Na
- cluster of juxtaglomerular cells around the afferent arteriole around the afferent arteriole that contain renin granules in their cytoplasm and these cells act as baroreceptors (i.e. mechanoreceptors)
-> macula densa senses low Na content of fluid and low BP detected by JGA
-> renin is released into plasma
-> renin converts angiotensinogen (made in the liver) into AT1
-> ACE (made in lungs) converts AT1 into AT2
-> increases aldosterone production by the adrenals which increases Na and H2O reabsorption in the DCT
-> causes vasoconstriction
- end result = BP increases
What are the functions of the kidney?
RED-U-FAR R - reabsorption E - erythropoietin production D - vitamin D activation U - urine production F - filtration A - acid-base balance R - renin production
What is GFR and how is it measured?
- glomerular filtration rate
- measure of kidney function
- measured using an exogenous substance that is either completely filtered, completely reabsorbed
- exogenous substances that can be measured: isohexol, radiolabelled EDTA, inulin
- endogenous substances that can be used: creatinine and cysteine C
What is the relationship between GFR and creatinine?
As GFR decreases, serum creatinine increases
How can you calculate eGFR mathematically?
MDRD equation that takes into account
- gender
- race
- age
- result given as ml/min/1.73m2 (takes into account body surface area)
What are normal GFR results?
> or = to 60
What are normal eGFR results?
> or = to 90
What are the cut-offs of eGFR for kidney disease?
Stage 1 - >= 90 normal
Stage 2 - 60-89 = slight decrease in GFR
Stage 3A - 45-59 = moderate kidney disease
Stage 3B - 30-44 = moderate kidney disease
Stage 4 - 15-29 = severe kidney disease
Stage 5 - <15 = established renal failure
What are the 4 different types of kidney stones?
1) calcium containing e.g. calcium oxalate/calcium phosphate
2) struvite stones e.g. ammonium/Mg/PO4 conglomerates
3) uric acid stones e.g. uric acid is produced as a waste product when food containing purine nucleotides is broken down
4) cysteine stones e.g. due to rare inherited disorder called cysteinuria where you get high concentrations of the amino acid ‘cysteine’ in the urine
How do kidney stones arise?
Various factors all lead to a stone formation:
- high Ca
- hyperuricaemia
- cysteinuria
- hyperoxaluria
- hypocitraturia
- XS solute in renal tubules causes stones and crystals to form
What are the risk factors for kidney stones?
- male
- genetics
- FH
- BMI >27
- dehydration
- high salt and protein intake