Renal, Urinary, Electrolytes Flashcards
First change in basement membrane in DM = ?
First change in basement membrane in DM = GLOMERULAR HYPERFILTRATION
HyperCa tx:
>14 or sx =
12-14 =
<12 or asx =
> 14 or sx = NS hydration w/ or w/o calcitonin to inhib osteo-clast mediated boen reporption and reduce serum Ca (no loops); long-term bisphosphonates
12-14 = no immediate tx, probs long term bisphosphonates.
<12 or asx = none
FeNa <1% or urine Na <10mEq/L; think ?
this can occur after reduced renal perfusion in
setting of advanced cirrhosis.
hepatorenal syndrome
acute renal rejection best treated with what?
left sided varicocele that doesn’t empty when pt LR - think what?
renal cell carcinoma bc tumor obstructing gonadal vein
paraneoplastic syndromes associated with renal cell carcinoma
polycythemia (RBC) - dt ectopic EPO production
- hypercalcemia,
- thrombocytosis (Plts)
Henoch schonlein purpura has what deposits in nephritic
IgA nephropathy = nephritic dt IgA deposits
MCD in a kid - next step in mgmt?
define Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis
C3 nephritic factor - dense deposit disease
what diuretic can induce hyperglycemia, incr LDL, plasma TGs, hyperuricemia. electrolytes: hypoMg,
hyperCa, hyperNa, hypoK
why does nephrotic syndrome predispose to hyperlipidemia?
hypoproteinemia causing incr liver portein and lipid synthesis.
lithium SE renally
diabetes insipidus
Define ASA toxicity
mixed resp alkalosis and met acidosis.
(1) causes tachypnea = resp alk.
(2) causes HAGMA dt incr production of ketoacids/lactic acid
if a pt has renal calculi (MC calcium), what dietary modifications?
- Incr fluid intake.
- decr Na intake.
- normla Calcium intake
(Na encourages Na and Ca reabsorption = less excreted for stone formation).
IgA versus Post infectious glomerulonephritis
- timeline.
- older v. younger population?
- diff in serum complement
(1) IgA nephropathy is w/i FIVE DAYS of URI. young men 20-30. Normal serum complement. (2) Postinfectious glomerulonephritis is TEN-TWENTY DAYS post URI. more common in 6-10yo. Lo C3 complement