Remember 2 Flashcards
diastolic decescendo murmur with pain sudden onset radiating to back - define mumur and dx
murmur: AR (dt dissection extending to AV)
dx: ascending aortic dissection
best test to dx aortic dissection
Transesophageal echocardiogram
what nerve courses through parotid gland? what happens if it is disrupted?
facial nerve (CN7).
Facial droop.
Name encapsulated organisms.
strep pneum
Hemoph influ
Neisseria mening
SE of OCPs in 5% of users.
HTN - ML due to estrogen mediated increase in hepatic angiotensinogen synthesis or RAAS.
Tx: d/c OCPs
does myasthenia gravis affect men or women first? ages?
women - 10-30
men - 40-60
treat Myasthenia with __?
AChE inhibitor - i.e. pyridostigmine.
treatment for routine frostbite. added intervention if limb-threatening.
Rapid rewarming with warm water.
In severe cases thrombolysis recommended.
Mom of newborn is positive for HBeAg, HBsAg, and IgM anti-HBsAg. Do what for baby?
Mom is HepB positive, so give baby HepB Immune globulin FOLLOWED BY Hep B vaccine.
thrombolysis of a stroke in what time frame?
before 3 hrs
Mom is RhD-ab negative. Do what when?
Give D-immune globulin at 28-32 weeks and then AGAIN w/i 72hrs of D+ infant or after SAB.
GBS screening done when during gestation?
+ anti-smooth muscle ab and + ANCA
autoimmune hepatitis
+ anti mitochondrial ab
primary biliary cholangitis
hyperpigmentation of sunexposed areas and genitals
harsh systolic ejectin murmur over LUSB in a child (and a single S2)
tet - dt pulmonary stenosis.
singel S2 due to stenotic pulmn valve
MCC of megaloblastic anemia in chronic alcoholics
folate deficiency
fasciculations - what motor neuron damage?