Renal System Flashcards
MS patients have which type of urinary incontinence? What is the mechanism?
Urge incontinence.
Lesions above the sacral region of the spinal cord results in a loss of higher center control of micturition. Causes detrusor muscle hyperreflexia (“spastic bladder”)
What is Potter Sequence?
P = pulmonary hypoplasia O = oligohydramnios - stimulus T = twisted skin (wrinkled) T = twisted face (Potter facies/flat facies) E = extremities defects (club foot) R = renal agenesis, bilateral
Cause/inciting factor for Potter Sequence?
Renal anomalies -> oligohydramnios -> POTTER
Pipestem fibrosis (periportal fibrosis) + patient swam in a freshwater lake recently =
Hepatic schistosomiasis - S. japonicum, S. mansoni
Blood supply of proximal, middle and distal ureter
Proximal = renal artery Middle = multiple anastamoses Distal = superior vesicle artery
Which type of urinary incontinence is common in type 1 DM patients? What is the mechanism?
Overflow incontinence
Diabetic autonomic neuropathy -> decreased innervation of the detrusor muscle results in impaired contraction
Chronic kidney hypoperfusion results in hyperplasia and hypertrophy of which cells?
Juxtaglomerular cells = modified smooth muscle cells that are part of the afferent arteriole
Non-lactose fermenting cause of UTI?
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
“Lumpy-bumpy” deposits + tea colored urine + periorbital edema =
Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis
What are the Post-Streptococcal glomerulonephritis deposits made of and where are they located?
IgG, IgM, C3
subepithelial deposits
Kimmelsteil Wilson nodules =
Nephrotic vs Nephritic
Diabetic nephropathy
What is the first thing you should think of if someone has been taking naproxen for 3+ month daily?
Chronic interstitial necrosis (drug-induced)
Dysuria definition
painful urination
Which structure blocks the ascent of the kidneys in a horseshoe malformation?
Inferior mesenteric artery (L3)
Clearance of which substance is used to calculate RBF and RPF?
Clearance of which substances is used to calculate GFR?
- inulin
- creatine
Female + glomerulonephritis + photosensitive skin rash+ arthalgias + reproductive age =
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Female + arthralgias + african american + prolonged PTT + 2 spontaneous abortions + positive PRP test + negative Treponema pallidum immunoassay =
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
2 causes of sterile pyuria =
- acute pyelonephritis - rare
- non-gonococcal urethritis + cystitis - Chlamydia or Ureaplasma