Renal plasma clearance Flashcards
Favoring filtration
Glomerular capillary pressure (P GC) 60mmHg
Opposing filtration
Hydrostatic pressure in bowman’s space (P BS) = 29 mmHg
What is the osmotic force of the plasma proteins?
(pie GC) 29mmHg
Net filtration pressure
P GC - P BS - Pie GC = 16 mmHg
How often is plasma filtered?
60 x/day
Rate of urine formation?
1 filtration
2 reabsorption
3 secretion
4 excretion
Urinary excretion rate
GFR - reabsorption rate + secretion rate
Why is GFR important?
GFR contributes to rapid removal of waste product
What determines GFR?
Hydrostatic and oncotic pressures across capillary membranes
Permeability of capillary filtration barrier & surface area available
How to measure GFR?
Not measured directly
Inulin method
An inert polysaccharide, MW ~ 5,000
Filters freely through the glomerular membrane
Not absorbed, secreted or metabolized
Equation for Inulin
Pin x GFR = Uin xV*
Glomerular filtration rate ml.min -1
Plasma inulin concentration;
Urine inulin concentration;
Urine flow rate; ml.min-1
Renal clearance
Of a substance is the volume of plasma that is completely cleared of the substance by the kidney per unit of time (ml/min)
The volume of plasma cleared of substances in 1 min
Clearance formula
Cs x Ps = Us x V*
The clearance rate of substance (s)
Plasma concentration of s
Urinary concentration of S
Urine flow rate
Drawbacks of the inulin method
Prolonged infusion
Repeated plasma samples
Difficult routine clinical use
Advantages of creatinine method
An intrinsic inert substance Released at - steady level in plasma from skeletal muscle No infusion needed Freely filtered Not reabsorbed in the tubules
Disadvantages of creatinine method
Some secreted into the tubule
GFR < C cr = U cr x V*/Pcr
Fact about creatinine method
Trimethoprim competes with Cm for same transporters that secrete Cm from tubular blood into urine - increase in serum levels of Cm
Normal range of GFR
Women - 44-88 umol/L (90.5-1 mg/dL)
Men - 62-106 umol/L (0.7 - 1.2 mg/dL)
So make adjustments need to sex and weight
estimated Glomerular Filtration rate
What is actively reabsorbed?
All amino acid s Clearance = zero unless excess filtered Pathological conditions Production of bence - jones protein in plasma Ca 2+, Na+, PO4 2-, Mg2+
Passively reabsorbed
Cl-, urea, some drug
What is RPF?
Renal Plasma Flow
The rate at which plasma flows through the kidney
Blood consists of about 55% plasma and 45% cellular components
Paramminohippuric acid
PAH weak acid found in horse urine
used as a marker to measure renal plasma flow
PAH secretion
Active transport occurs in the basolateral membrane
Passive transport across the luminal membrane into the tubule
Renal filtration fraction
GFR &RPF can be used to calculate the filtrate fraction