Renal Overview Flashcards
What is polyuria
pee too much
What is dysuria
pain on passing urine
What is haemapuria
passing blood in urine
What is proteinuria
protein in urine
What is uremia
when waste products should be excreted by the kidney are starting to accumulate in the blood
How is renal function measured
serum urea
serum creatine
24 hour urine collection
How is serum urea used to measure renal function
o goes up in renal dysfunction but also rises with dehydration meaning it isn’t a good indicator
How is serum creatine used to measure renal function
o good general guide to renal function
o should be relatively low
o if kidney is not working then it will rise
How is urine collection used to measure renal function
o creatine clearance – best measure
What are the consequences of renal failure
loss of renal excretory function loss of water and electrolyte balance loss of acid base balance loss of renal endocrine function calcium metabolism renin secretion
Why is there a loss of water and electrolyte balance in renal failure
o unable to modify electrolytes within the collecting duct and so losing more than you should do
Why is there a loss of acid base balance in renal failure
o losing hydrogen ions
o this can upset the acid base balance
o can be compensated by ventilation (breathing more acid)
What renal endocrine functions are lost
calcium metabolism
renin secretion
What are the two types of renal failure
acute and chronic
What is acute renal failure
o happens suddenly
o often due to infection, trauma or damage to the kidneys
o rapid loss of renal function
o usually over hours or days
What is chronic renal failure
o gradual loss of renal function
o usually over many years
What can causes of renal failure be split into
post renal
What are the prerenal causes
hypoperfusion of the kidney
renal artery or aorta diseases
What are the renal causes
chronic disease
drug damage
What is rhabdomyolysis
o protein taken from muscle round to kidney blocking glomerulus
What are post renal causes
renal outflow obstruction
o stones
How is acute renal failure defined
It is the rapid loss of renal function resulting in a Creatine > 200umol/L. The normal is usually 80.
How does acute renal failure present
anuric initially with volume overload
gradually progresses to polyuria
development of hyperkalaemia
development of uremia and acidosis
What does anuric and volume overload result in
ankle oedema (if ambulatory), sacral oedema (if bed bound)
pulmonary oedema and breathlessness
raised jugular venous pressure (JVP)
weight gain
What does hyperkalaemia result in
can lead to cardiac arrest as it alters the nerves excitability