Remember what can pyridium effect?
Orange urine & can stain HARD contacts
Red urine can either be…?
Heme positive or heme negative
What causes heme-positive urine?
Hemoglobin (protein of blood FREE from RBC’s) or Myoglobin (protein of muscle)
What causes heme-negative urine?
Drugs, dye, and some foods
What would cause hemoglobinuria?
Hemolytic anemia (rapid disintegration of RBC’s, exceeding the ability of blood protein to bind to hemoglobin)
What would cause myoglobinuria?
Skeletal muscle injury – from trauma or even after exercise, or in rhabdomyolysis (with five fold increase in CK levels)
What do you need to check for in hematuria of a child?
Family Hx; social Hx; PE (including vitals, edema, hepatosplenomegaly, abdominal mass, anatomic abnormalities of external genitalia)
If a child has hematuria and is not acutely ill, what diagnostics would you do?
Repeat the UA (first morning urination!!) on two other occasions within 1-2 weeks
What happens if hematuria persists for 1-2 weeks?
Order urine culture, renal ultrasound, renal panel, CBC
What is benign familial hematuria?
Asymptomatic hematuria without renal abnormalities in multiple family members
What type of bacteria most commonly causes UTI in children? When do UTI’s peak in children?
UTI’s peak during toilet training
If a child presents with abdominal pain, flank pain, fever, with nausea and vomiting, what diagnosis?
How do you confirm pyelo?
UA, urine culture, and possibly a renal ultrasound
How do you treat pyelo in a child?
Abx therapy is dependent on urine culture. Also consider dehydration (or sepsis is unable to hold fluids)
What’s the Abx you could start them on?
Nitrofurantinoin (otherwise Cipro – but increasing resistance)
If a child presents with dysuria, frequency, urgency, odor of urine, and abdominal pain, what diagnosis?
How do you confirm the diagnosis of cystitis?
Hx, PE, UA, and urine culture
How do you treat cystitis & what are you preventing?
Urine culture guides Abx, treat early to prevent progression to pyelo
When would you treat a UTI in a child?
Only treat if culture confirms and sxs are present
When would you do imaging on a child with a UTI? What type of imaging?
If first UTI is occurring before age 5, febrile UTI, recurring UTI, or a male with a UTI
Voiding cystourethrogram – 2 weeks AFTER UTI
What does a dipstick detect?
Albuminuria & change in urine concentration
If proteinuria is found on a dipstick with absence of other symptoms, what do you do?
Repeat the dipstick on 2-3 other occasions – first AM urine!
What if proteinuria persists for the other testings?
24 hour urine excretion – upper limit of normal is 150mg/24 hours
What is the most common cause proteinuria in children?
Orthostatic proteinuria – benign