What 3 components make up allergic Atopy?
Asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis
What type of Ig__ is involved in allergies?
What is the most common allergic disease, and is often known as hay fever?
Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis
What might a child complain of with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis?
Itching of nose, eyes, palate, or pharynx
Loss of smell of taste, sneezing, and sleepiness
What is intermittent allergic rhinoconjunctivitis vs. persistent?
Intermittent= less than 4 days/week
Persistent = greater than 4 days/week
What would you look for on exam with allergic rhinoconjunctivits?
“Allergic salute”; mouth breathing; snoring
Nasal turbinates – pale, boggy, blue, edematous
Clear, thin nasal secretions & cobblestoning of the throat
Conjunctival injection, tearing, and “allergic shiners”
What if a kid had several nasal polyps with allergic sxs?
Often connected with cerebral palsy
What labs can be done to help confirm the diagnosis of allergic rhinoconjunctivits?
Eosinophilia (serum or nasal secretions for IgE)
Skin testing
In vitro test (RAST)
…but you don’t have to do any of these tests
What are some non-pharm treatments for allergic rhinoconjunctivitis?
Identify & avoid cause
Nasal saline irrigation
Cold compresses for the eyes
What are some pharm treatments for allergic rhino conjunctivitis?
Antihistamines – control itching, sneezing, and rhinorrhea (Loratadine, approved at age 2)
Mast cell stabilizers – prophylactic
Decongestants – temporary relief (Sudafed – for short term only)
Intranasal corticosteroids – Prophylactic (Flonase approved at age 2)
What must you always remind parents of with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis?
That this is a long term diagnosis
How can you treat severe cases of allergic rhinoconjunctivits?
If a child presents with a rash on the face and extensor surfaces of the elbows and knees and mom tells you this is the second time they’ve had this, what might you think?
Atopic dermatitis
What is atopic dermatitis often associated with?
Allergies & asthma (atopy)
How can you treat a child with atopic dermatitis?
Avoid irritants (soaps & detergents); hydration; moisturizers, topical steroid for flares
If you prescribe a steroid for a child what should you always put on their prescription?
Start with a medium potency dose. Always tell them a time to discontinue (no longer than 2 weeks)
How do you hydrate a diffuse atopic dermatitis rash on a child?
Set the child in a temperate bath for 10 minutes, possibly twice a day. Then lock in the moisture with an ointment like Vaseline
A young child is given some peanut butter and within a few minutes the mother notes the face is starting to swell and difficulty breathing, what is occurring?
What is the typical cause of anaphylaxis in children, middle-aged adults, and elderly?
Children = food Adults = Venom Elderly = medications
How do you treat an anaphylactic reaction?
What’s the dosing for peds epinephrine?
What are the most common food allergies?
Tree nuts, soy, fish, peanuts, shellfish, eggs, wheat, and dairy
By what age is a food allergy often diagnosed?
Age 2
What two types of food allergies can be outgrown?
Cow’s milk & eggs
If a child just has a food allergy what sxs would you look for?
Within 2 hours of ingestion; hives, flushing, facial angioedema, and mouth/throat itching