Renal function and Non-protein Nitrogen Compounds Flashcards
What functions do the kidneys have?
Eliminate wastes, regulate homeostasis, and hormone production
How much glomerular ultrafiltrate does the kidneys filter each day?
180 L/day or 125 ml/min
How many times does your kidneys filter your total plasma volume per day
60 times/day
What does ADH (vasopressin) do?
Regulates blood pressure to control the amount of fluid circulating and to control fluids in tissues
What is the proximal tube’s job?
Reabsorption of glucose, ions, water (etc.)
Which part of the loop of henle permeable to water?
The descending
What is the distal tube’s job?
Aldosterone reabsorbs Na+ and Cl-, whereas K+ and H+ are excreted into urine
How does the kidney help with acid-base balance
The DCT actively reabsorbs bicarbonate ions, while it is actively filtering out H+ ions into the urine. The body can control what is secreted and absorbed pending on whether the body is to alkaline or acidic.
Define creatinine clearance
The measurement of how efficiently the kidneys transfer creatinine from the blood to the urine
What does a decreased GFR indicate?
Renal disease
What is the equation for creatinine clearance
What are renal function tests?
GFR, serum/urine osmolality, malb, BUN, or uric acid
What is osmolality?
Measures the numbers of particles in a solution (osmoles/kilogram), checks the tubules ability to secrete and reabsorb
How is osmolality measured?
Freezing point depression
What is Freezing point depression?
Measures the degree to which the freezing point of the sample differs from that of pure water
What are non-protein nitrogen compounds
Urea, creatinine, uric acid, amino acids, and ammonia
What is BUN and its reference ranges
The measurement of urea in the blood, 6-20 mg/dL
Define azotemia
Elevation in blood urea
Define uremia
A condition of very high plasma urea levels resulting in kidney failure
What is the most common method for measuring BUN
The urease method
What is creatinine?
A product of muscle metabolism
What is the main method of measurement of creatinine?
Jaffe reaction - creatinine mixes with picric acid to form red-orange color
Where does ammonia come from in the body?
Its a toxic waste product that arises from normal breakdown of amino acids and bacterial metabolism in the GI tract
What are some diseases of ammonia
Severe liver disease, reye’s syndrome, and encephalopathy
Where does Uric acid come from in the body
A waste product from purine metabolism
What diseases are caused by uric acid?
Gout or renal disease
What method is used to measure uric acid?
Uricase catalyzes