renal failure Flashcards
reduced renal reserve
GFR reduced to 50% possibly with no clinical symptoms
renal insuffciency
a decline in renal function to 25% of normal, serum creatine and urea (bun) are mildy elevated .could be reversable. 25 to 30 ml per mintute
renal failure
significant loss of renal function with GFRless then 20% of normal accompanied by azotemia, acidosis, impaired urian dilution, severe anemia and electrolyte imbalances
syndrome of renal failure
elevate blood urea electrolyte defeciancy
increase serum urea levels usally increase creatine levels . indicate an accumulation of nitrogenous wastes in blood.
Acute renal failure
abrupt reduction in renal function. usually associated with oliguria- BUN and creatinine levels elevated .reversable, intrarenal or postrenal
prerenal failure
hypovolemia, volume shifts, decresaed cardiac output, mycardial infrarction, increased vascular resistance, vascular obstruction, septic sock. all happen before they reach the kidneys and will inhibit blood flow to the kidneys
intrarenal failure
acute tubular necrosis, traum, antibiotics, severe muscle exertion, infectious disease, metabolic disorders, pesticides, heavy metal. damage inside the kidneys
prerenal azotemia
most common cause inpaired blood flow to kidneys
intrinsic renal azotemia
ATN most common, necrosis will be uniform and proximal tubles. tublular obstruction, tubular back leak, alterations in renal blood flow.
postrenal ARF
is very rare occurs with urinary tract obstructions that affect kidneys bilateraly
initiation phase
redused perfusion or toxicity
maintenance phase
establised injury and dysfuntion urine output lowest.serum creatinine and BUN increse
Creatinine and urea- If GFR falls, plasma creatine levels increase