Renal DSA Flashcards
SD of the occiput and C spine can result in: (2)
- myofascial tension on CN X
2. inhibit parasympathetic tone to the kidneys, and proximal ureters
Decreased parasympathetic tone to the kidneys can result in (2)
- decreased GFR and urine volume –> UTI or stones
2. slow flushing of stones
Excess Sympathetic activity to the kidneys may result in: (3)
All of which contribute to:
- vasoconstriction of the afferent arterioles
- reduced GFR
- reduced urine volume
- contribute to UTI formation and propagation
Insufficient sympathetic tone to the bladder can result in: (4) all are typical in ____
- excessive contraction of the detrusor mm
- increased urinary frequency
- hesitance
- urgency
- typical in UTI
Excessive sympathetic tone to the urinary tract will contribute to the symptoms of urinary calculi by: (3)
- dec GFR
- dec ureter peristalsis
- inc sensitivity to pain
Excessive sympathetic tone can result in constriction of the _____ and _____ which slows the passage of _____.
internal urethral sphincter…urethra….stones
excessive sympathetic tone to the bladder can result in _______ dt inappropriate relaxation of the detrusor mm and contraction of the urethral sphincter
incomplete emptying and urinary retention
Treatment of SD in the ______ is intended to normalize sympathetic tone in the kidneys, bladder, detrusor mm, ureters, prostate and testes.
thoracolumnar area
______ tone to the bladder can result in the inappropriate contraction of the detrusor mm and relaxation of the internal sphincter leading to _____.
excessive parasympathetic tone….urinary incontinence
inhibited parasympathetic tone to the bladder can result in _____ leading to urinary retention, hypotonic bladder, overflow incontinence and increased risk of UTI.
decreased contraction of the detrusor mm and increased contraction of internal urethral sphincter
Inhibition of parasympathetic tone of in the distal ureters can interfere with _____
passing of urinary calculi
Inhibition of the ______ nerve can decrease control of the external urethral sphincter
pudendal n.
SD in the lumbo-sacral area can adversely effect the _____ nerve causing weakness of the pelvic diaphragm and inhibiting ______.
perineal n. …..venous/lymphatic circulation and drainage
Spinal region to normalize ANS tone to the Bladder and urethra:
Spinal region to normalize ANS tone to the kidneys and ureters
T10 - L1
The venous and lymph flow to all pelvic organs is dependent on the______.
active motion of the thoracic diaphragm and passive motion of the pelvic diaphragm