Renal Flashcards
what are 3 other jobs in the kedney besides removing wastes?
erythropoietin, or EPO, which stimulates the bone marrow to make red blood cell
renin, which regulates blood pressure
calcitriol, the active form of vitamin D, which helps maintain calcium for bones and for normal chemical balance in the body
what regulates BP?
what stimulates the bone marrow to make red blood cell
what is the active form of vitamin D, which helps maintain calcium for bones and for normal chemical balance in the body
problems where allow proteins and RBC to be filtered though the basement membrane into urine
problems in glomerulus
problems where allow abnormal excretion of H+ , CL- , Bicarb , Na+, K+.
Problems in tubule
What radiographic study would you use to evaluate a patient for polycystic kidney disease?
RUS - good for parenchymal disease
Your pt is a 3day old male who is brought in by his parents who state he “hasn’t been peeing much, and his belly seems to be getting larger and harder”. Good prenatal care, no complications.
The infant was a routine vaginal delivery without any complication who went home at ~36hrs feeding well without vomiting. They confirm that the infant has stooled several times. When asked, they said he didn’t pee much in the hospital but they were told that was OK, and to watch for him to start peeing more – but they don’t think he is peeing more.
Your exam is notable only for a distended abdomen with palpably enlarged bladder and right kidney. WHAT IS THIS?
posterior urethral valves
in littles HTN is a ____ problem
what are symptoms of renal disease in neonates and infants?
Abdominal or flank mass, hematuria, anuria/oliguria
what are symptoms of renal disease in children and adolescents?
Tea/cola/red colored urine, or hematuria Hypertension Frequency/Urgency/dysuria Polyuria, oliguria Edema proteinuria
on PE you see tachypneic / kussmal breathing …
on PE you see tachycardia and kidney disease if
on PE you see arrhythmia and kidney disease if
on PE you find on the skin…. pts towards kidney disease?
poor skin turgor, dry, edema
what genital abn will you see with kidney disease?
abnormalities, (hypospadias, cryptorchidism, ambiguous genitalia
in children abd mass that is most common is
large kidney
if you see an increased BUN
Low renal perfusion of RBF
Nitrogen also affected by protein intake, catabolism, steroids… therefore
what is BUN:cr ratio?
increased Cr =
Cr is most reliable single indicator of glomerular function
what is normal serum Cr?
Nl serum Cr < 1 in older children*
what could hematuria mean?
Glomerular – nephritis, familial, post-strep
UTI, trauma
what could proteinuria mean?
Glomerular - nephropathy
what does US show
Renal size, structure, hydronephrosis, cysts, Bladder size.
what does US w doppler show?
renal blood flow , resistance, thrombus
what does VCUG show?
voiding urethral reflux
what can CT and MRI show?
stones, parenchyma
Clinically mild or insignificant renal abnormalities
-Unilateral renal agenesis
IDM, VACTERL, Turner’s, + assoc with anomalies
-Horseshoe kidney
-Pelvic or ectopic kidneys
Renal parenchymal abnormalities 2
Dysgenesis – spectrum Unilateral / bilateral Polycystic kidney disease PKD Autosomal recessive Autosomal dominant
what is the most common PKD?
what PKD is worse?
IN childhood, may be diagnosed via palpation of abdominal mass
HTN is an early problem
Rate of progression of renal insufficiency varies
Dx by RUS
Accounts for the majority of cases of PKD
PKD - Presents in infancy
what PKD Associated with other cysts (ovarian - hepatic)
Accounts for the majority of cases of PKD
Marked bilat renal enlargement. Interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy. Renal Failure early childhood
Typically present in middle adulthood.
Assoc with other cysts : hepatic, pancreatic, ovarian and cerebral aneurysm
most common cause of bladder outlet obstruction in males
posterior urethral valves
Male infant with anuria or poor stream
Urgent surgical drainage necessary
posterior urethral valves
what causes hydronephrosis only?
Ureteral obstruction
Uretero-pelvic junction
what causes hydronephrosis and hydroureter?
obstruction of-vesical junction
what is Reflux of urine from bladder to ureter during bladder contraction, or back up from bladder (ie neurogenic bladder)
what are complications of VCUR?
-recurrent UTI – when we treat
-Renal damage
Grade of VUR that Do not typically cause renal damage
Outgrow by age 4-6 years
do we prophylax grades I-III VCUR
Nitrofurantoin (Macrobid) or
sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim (Bactrim)
50% of UTIs recur without prophylaxis
Surveillance urine culture
what is more common in girls and may run in family?
how do you treat grade IV VCUR?
Surgical re-implantation of ureter
what may be easily palpable on posterior urethral valves?
Kidneys and bladder
what in posterior urethral valves causes ascites?
Leakage proximal to obstruction
what is most likely cause of prune belly syndrome?
posterior urethral valves
what is cryptorchidism and absent abdominal musculature ( due to a number of urinary tract abnormalities)
prune belly syndrome
what causes non glomerular dysuria and hematuria?
cystitis or urethritis
what causes non glomerular associated with back pain and hematuria
what causes non glomerular hematuria and colicky pain?
what causes non glomerular hematuria and bright red clots
bleeding d/o or trauma
what does glomerular hematuria have?
Tea colored, smoky
+/- RBC casts
what is march hematuria?
microscopic hematuria caused by running
what has Tea colored, smoky – RBCs that have been broken down
RBC TNTC – to numerous to count
+/- RBC casts
Glomerular nephritis
If proteinuria + hematuria…
probability of nephritis/nephropathy goes up
what are causes of microscopic hematuria?
March hematuria” - normal
Hypercalciuria , Stones, Sickle cell
Primary concern – glomerulonephritis*
what is the most common cause of hematuria?
what are causes of acute nephritis?
Post-infectious (PSGN)
Vasculitis (HSP)or rarely, SLE
IgA nephropathy and membranoproliferative GN
Antibody deposition and injury to glomerulus
Cancers, infections
Antiglomerular basement membrane disease (Good pasture syndrome) rare
Gross hematuria – Tea/cola/red colored.
Microscopic RBC’s too numerous to count
RBC casts (diagnostic, but not always present)
Edema, periorbital and extremities
Other symptoms non specific – fever uncommon, may have HTN. what is this?
if there is massive proteinuria (nephrotic syndrome) , anasarca, ascities dt injury what is it?
Most common form of GN in childhood
Acute post-streptococcal GN
how do you dx Acute post-streptococcal GN? hx and other associated symptoms?
History of culture + GAS , or +antistreptolysis O titer
Can have low complement (C3) levels
May develop renal failure and hypertension
Many have persistent microhematuria
how do you treat Acute post-streptococcal GN
No specific treatment. Supportive. Antibiotics if GAS still present. Treat HTN
85% of affected children recovery totally
is hematuria normal in Acute post-streptococcal GN for up to a year?
what is IgA Nephropathy GN
IgA deposition – inflammation of glomeruli
how does IgA Nephropathy GN present?
Presents as asymptomatic microscopic hematuria or gross hematuria during minor acute illness
Normal complement, 50% IgA elevated, no h/o strep
who gets IgA Nephropathy GN
young adolescents and adult
if have nephrotic syndrome what do you have in urine?
how do you treat IgA Nephropathy GN