GI Flashcards
28 yr old G1 Po0 with no prenatal care came in with contractions saying her water broke that morning. A quick bedside US showed a term sized infant and polyhydramnios. Due to the size and position of the infant she couldn’t see much else beside grossly normal skeleton and head size.
What fetal abnormalities lead to polyhydramnios?
not swallowing fluid, kidney problems, obstruction is the most common cause
You (and everyone) immediately notice the mass of intestines outside the baby. As you lay the baby on the warmer you can see that the intestines are separate from the cord and there are no other organs visible.
Functional abdominal pain… sx caused by, work up
Sx without pathologic correlate
Lab tests/ work up negative
Variant of normal anatomy
Organic problems… sx caused by, workup
Sx caused by a distinct pathological entity
Labs and workup indicative of underlying pathology
Disease state -requires intervention
CBC shows
infection, inflammation, bleeding
Chem 7 shows
LFTs show
Bili/ALT /AST/ Alk Phos/ GGT
Coags : PT / PTT / Fibrinogen
amy and lipase show
xray shows
Gas patterns, dilation, ileus, retained stool, obstruction
Barium swallow or barium enema shows
Reflux, obstruction, malrotation , ulcer, certain IBD
Colon size, obstruction,intususseption, US
Pylorus, gallbladder, appendicitis
CT shows
Mass, appendicitis
Endoscopy shows
Gastritis, ulcers
what are the most common sources of acute abd pain in young children
Malrotation, intussusception, incarcerated hernia, congenital anomalies
what are the most common sources of acute abd pain in older children?
Chronic abdominal pain is ____70-90% of time
what are functional problems? 2 ex chronic
constipation or IBS
chronic abd pain is ____10-30% of time:
short list of causes of chronic abd orgainic pain
Lactose intolerance
Gall bladder disease
what are symptomos of chronic fxnl abd pain
periumbilical – or not, Pain day and night No weight loss May have pallor, N/V/F Little relationship to bowel habits May be IBS (bloating, postprandial pain, lower abdominal distension)
what are useful tests in chronic fxnl abd pain
CBC, UA/UC , stool for occult blood
how do you treat chronic fxnl abd pain?
: reassurance and explanation of functional pain
Fluids, diet, activity, sleep, emotions
what is IBS also called
Recurrent Abdominal Pain Syndrome of Childhood
what is IBS?
Abnormal electrophysiology of bowel wall
when does IBS start and what are symp?
Often have diarrhea as infants, then constipation as older children
Abdominal pain in early school years
Often stress-associated, risk of school avoidance
Rarely awakens at night
how do you treat IBS
Important not to “medicalize”
Increased fiber in diet may be helpful
what is the most common cause of vomiting?
Viral Gastroenteritis
what are other things that could cause vomiting
-Obstruction, and acute or chronic inflammation of GI tract
-CNS inflammation, pressure or tumor
-Metabolic derangements
IEM, sepsis, drug intoxication
projectile vomiting is a result of
high obstruction, ie pyloric stenosis
what does bilious vomit mean?
Beyond ampulla of vater … duodenal, jejunal, ileal, colonic
** Malrotation
what does bloody vomiting mean?
mallory weis tear
Peptic ulcer?
vomiting in neonates what should you think?
obstruction or stenosis
what is forceful nonbilious vomiting in neonates?
pyloric stenosis
what else should you thing for vomiting in neonates?
-Obstruction Duodenal atresia and stenosis Malrotation / volvulus Pyloric stenosis- forceful, nonbilious -MetabolicAcidosis Sepsis Metabolic disorders / Inborn errors of metabolism
Vom first thing in the morning with HA might mean
CNS related
in older children vomiting is d/t
Viral Illness
Strep pharyngitis
Otitis media
if chronic vomiting think…
consider CNS
if with pain or bilious emesis in older children?
bowel obstruction, peptic disorders, appendicitis
what labs should you do for vomiting?
Electrolytes, BUN/Cr , CBC, UA/UC , amylase, lipase, LFT
what will US pick up for vomiting?
pyloric Stenosis, gallstones, renal stones, hydronephrosis, biliary obstruction, pancreatitis, appendicitis, malroattion, intussusception.
what should you do if you suspect appendicitis?
how do you treat vomiting?
Treat underlying cause if identified
Management of fluid and electrolytes
Anti-emetics: very carefully
Acute diarrhea nearly always
how do you manage viral diarrhea?
Management is supportive – fluids, Na, K
Oral rehydration, starvation prolongs diarrhea
Avoid lactose is helpful
what is the most common cause of diarrhea in kids?
rota virus
what does rotavirus affect?
Rotavirus affects small intestine
how does rotavirus present?
Vomiting first in 80-90% pt followed by low fever
Diarrhea next .. Can last 4-8 days
who does rotavirus affect and when
Mainly infants 3-15mo
Peaks in winter ….. Transmitted fecal- oral
what are complications of rotavirus
Pt become dehydrated / hypernatremic, metabolic acidosis, ketosis from poor intake
how do you treat rotavirus?
No antidiarrheal medications- ineffective, poss worsening illness
should be vaccinized at 246 mo
what are bacterial causes of diarrhea in kids?
Bacterial – Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella, E. coli, Yersinia, C diff
Shigella patients often have
high fever
Suspect if blood in stool (colitis); if foreign travel
bacterial diarrhea
what is shigella dysenteriae?
Shigella dysenteriae, Shigatoxin producing bacteria (E coli O157:H7)
how do you work up bacterial diarrhea?
CBC stool culture
what is chronic diarrhea?
Healthy appearing – probably functional
Normal 5-8 stools /day for infants
if have wt loss FTT and seem ill with diarrhea what should you think?
probably organaic
what are fxnl causes of chronic diarrhea?
Functional causes
Irritable bowel syndrome
Toddler’s diarrhea
what are organic cuases of chronic diarrhea?
Organic causes
Food allergies
Malnutrition / Malabsorption syndromes
what are causes of malabs diarrhea?
Lactose Intolerance
Celiac disease (gluten enteropathy)
Cystic fibrosis
what are other causes of diarrhea?
Inflammatory bowel disease
Hirschsprung’s disease
Immune deficiency syndromes
what is Psedomembranis colitis caused by?
C diff
who gets cdiff
pt taking abx (Clindamycin, cephalosporins, ampicillin
how does cdiff present?
Fever, tenesmus, abdominal pain with diarrhea
how do you treat cdiff?
oral metronid or vanco
what is definition of chronic constipation?
2 or more of the following for 2 months:
1) < 3 BM/Wk 2)> 1 episode of encoporesis/wk 3) impaction of rectum with stool 4) stool that plugs toilet 5) retentive posturing and fecal withholding 6) pain with defecation
what is most childhood constipation
what are fxnl constipation causes?
Slow transit times (Irritable Bowel Syn.)
what are organic causes of constipation?
Hirschsprung’s disease (obstruction)
Hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis, anorectal malformation
what is hirschsprungs disease?
poor innervation of lg intestines: Absence of Meissner and Auerbach plexi
Sympathetic hyperactivity leading to tonic contraction (doesn’t relax)
what is encorpresis?
Chronic constipation with dilatation of rectal ampulla and fecal soiling – soft stool comes out around
what does encorpresis require?
Requires stool evacuation followed by chronic management to avoid reaccumulation of stool,
Stool softeners important
how do you treat constipation non pharm? 2 ways
Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Recommended fiber amount, add 5 to age until 15 then adult amount.
Sorbital-containing fluids (prune or apple juice)
Consider milk elimination trial
-Behavior Modification-based on age and individual factors
Regular sitting on the toilet for 5-10minutes after meals/ gastrocolic reflex. Make sure child has a stepstool if they cannot touch the floor.
Diary/calendar with stickers
Biofeedback-no resources as of yet.
what are signs of organic constipation? 5
No passage of meconium within 2 days of birth
Hard, infrequent stooling since birth, especially if breast fed
Poor growth/ development
Distended abdomen
Abnormally placed anus, commonly anteriorly
how do you treat constipation with pharm?
Magnesium hydroxide
Magnesium citrate
PEG 3350 (MiraLax, Glycolax)-mix in smallest
amount of fluid like water or crystal light
what is the ideal consistency of poo?
ideal consistency- Soft mushy banana or peanut butter like.
what else besides laxatives do you treat constipation with?
Osmotic enema-phosphate enemas Lavage-Polyethylene glycol-electrolyte solution (GoLytely) Lubricant-Mineral oil Stimulants Senna-Little tummies Bisacodyl Glycerin suppositories
what are causes of GI bleeding that cause significant amt?
uncommon Peptic ulcer disease Meckel’s diverticulum Colitis Intussusception
what are causes of minor bleeding in GI
not uncommon
Anal fissures
Mallory-Weiss tear
Swallowed nasopharyngeal blood
what are the causes of rectal bleeding in infants?
Colitis (from milk protein) allergy, anal fissure, milk protein allergy
what are the causes of rectal bleeding in older children?
Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Meckel’s diverticulum
how do you work up GI bleed? labs, imaging
CBC/ CoAgs/ LFT’s/ Stool for blood and culture
Colonoscopy, Barium enema, CT with contrast
Meckel scan (nuclear med test)
what are functional obstructions?
Disordered paristalsis
Paralytic ileus
Septic ileus
what are mechanical obstructions
Narrowing of lumen
Intraluminal obstruction
Meconium plug / CF
what are etiologies of obs?