Renal Flashcards
At what vertebral level are the paired renal arteries given off from the abdominal aorta?
What happens to the renal arteries at the hilum of the kidney?
Identify the vein shown that travels upwards (from the pelvis) to drain into the left renal vein on the left side and the IVC on the right side. Name this vein
Gonadal Vein
Ureter peritonised
The proximal portion of ureter lies
Abdo Cavity
The distal portion of ureter lies
Pelvic Cavity
Where does the ureter lie
Posterior to Renal Vessels
The ureter commences as dilatation called
Renal Pelvis
As the ureter descends it lies over
Psoas Major
In the male the vas deferent crosses ureter
In the female the uterine artery crosses ureter
Ureters constrictions
1 . Pelvicoureteric Junction
2 . Pelvic Brim
Vesicoureteric Junction
Which part of the bladder do the ureters enter?
Inferior Posterior Medial (Top Corners of Trigone)
From which part of the bladder does the urethra exit?
Bottom of Trigone
The apex f urinary bladder is the site from which
median umbilical ligament ascends to the umbilicus.